Thursday, June 19, 2008

Backwards Banana

I have to start by saying that I only looked away for a split second. But that's all it took for Joshua to take a whopping bite out of the back end of his banana with breakfast this morning. Skin, banana stump and all...he was chomping away on it with a very peculiar look on his face when I returned from dumping his leftover breakfast this morning. Luckily I got it out of his mouth before he choked. I tried to explain that we only eat the banana from the top end, without the peel, but I'm not sure it sunk in.

What a kid!

Breakfast was comical this morning all around. Before the banana incident, Joshua's opinions and preferences came to the forefront. First, when I went to get his breakfast started (like I always do at pretty much the exact same time every single morning), he grabbed my hand and led me to the couch.

"Sit Mommy."

So I sat.

"Read it. Peeeeeeeease."

So I read him the book he had brought over for me. We read that book 3 times right in a row.
Then I asked him, "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Beans." (With a grin on his face.)

"No honey, we don't eat beans for breakfast. What would you like to eat? How about some eggs?"

"No. Maffle." (That's Joshua for "waffle".) So that's what I made him. And he ate it like a champ, though evidently saving room for some banana peel for roughage.

Since when does a toddler get to have such strong opinions. I have no earthly clue where he would get a quality like that...

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