I also am pleased to report that we're pacifier free at our house. I hope it's not too soon to declare victory on that, but we've managed a bed time and now a nap time without the bink...and I'm so proud of my little buddy for being so cooperative. I had thought that it was soon time to take it away, and had a goal of his 2nd birthday to get rid of it. Last night after his tub and books, I thought I'd give it a try with putting him to sleep minus his pacifier. It wasn't easy, but it worked. And he slept through the night without too much trouble. He did fuss for a minute around 4:30 this morning, but put himself back to sleep on his own without searching for the bink in his crib. Naptime today was similar, but he's still dreaming away. So...yay for the big boy! When he asked for his bink last night and this afternoon I told him, "You don't need that yucky bink." And then he said "ucky bink" like "Yeah, Mom! You got it!" Here's to hoping the streak continues.
Happy Weekend!
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