Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Prince

So I promised a picture of Princess Lila...and I can't deliver. Lindsay and I were so caught up in our catching up and staring at the baby that I didn't manage a picture of my very own. There was one taken of the three of us. Someday I'll get it, but let's face it...Lindsay is a little busy right now. Suffice it to say that she and Ian have a wonderful, beautiful, pleasant and perfect little girl. And Lindsay has the mommy thing down already, which I never doubted for a single second she would.

So, instead of princess photos, I thought I'd share a few of my "prince". Daddy had a meeting last evening, so Josh and I had a very gourmet pizza dinner (of which he ate almost 1 and a half pieces-- alert the media) and then played and played until it was time for bubbles in the tub. Interestingly enough, we were involved with puzzles of all varieties for over an hour last night. I happened to move them into the playroom just for a change of pace, and it was as though Joshua forgot he had them. He did them over and over and loved giving me a high five when he'd complete one all by himself. Vocabulary continues to explode. Joshua is now routinely putting together 4-5 words at a time and turning them into nearly a complete coherent thought.

Joshua is beginning his countdown to Pap and the tractor now. He's been requesting the tractor videos regularly and keeps saying "Pap tractor ride pee-bee soon" (pee-bee=pretty in case you didn't make that connection) since we'll be headed to Lewistown tomorrow evening. He can't wait.

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