Last night, Darla brought Sydney over for some play time outside with Joshua. It was a good excuse for Mommy catch-up-time if you must know, as well. Jeremy had a grad class that ended up getting done early, so he also joined with us. The idea was to get out the sprinkler and let the kids cool off a bit. We ended up having to start with the hose because the sprinkler ball needed quite a bit of blowing up. Even I (no smart comments please) did not have the quantity of hot air necessary to inflate it. After about a half hour of huffing and puffing, we finally got the sprinkler going. Joshua loved it. Sydney wasn't quite as sure. But they played nicely, giggled a lot, shrieked quite a bit and seemed to enjoy themselves.
The last picture of them playing in the sandbox cracked me up. That'll be good blackmail material for down the road. Mommy will guard that one closely.
It's an at-home day for Mommy while Grandma is with her family at the hospital with Jason's grandfather. I'll never turn down a day with my buddy, although I think the girls at the office are starting to think I'm a temp.
No news yet on Baby Delaney. She may be making her first cries as I write this, actually. I talked to Karen around 8 this morning and her c-section was delayed ("rain delay" as she called it) while they did 2 emergency sections ahead of her. So her 7:30 surgery was looking more like 10. I'm chomping at the bit to get down to the hospital and see this miracle baby with my own eyes. I can't imagine a more welcome sight than to see Karen holding her brand new baby girl. It's been a long time coming.
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