Joshua is having a very "off" day. I think the cold has him down, and I'm hoping like heck that he doesn't have an ear infection. He woke up this morning fussing, and he's been very agitated all day. Every little thing makes him cry. Lunch turned into a huge ordeal because he didn't like Jason standing close to him while he was getting something out of the pantry. So he went into all out hysterics that lasted for at least 10 minutes. After he was done, he sat nicely in his high chair and downed almost an entire can of noodle soup. I have no idea what's going on, but I'm guessing that he's just having a crummy day with the cold. I wish we could do something to make it better. We're running our usual course of Ocean Drops, but it doesn't seem to be helping much this time. No fever to speak of...yet.
We're entering a whole new phase of temper tantrums these last two days. I'm coping by telling myself that it's just the cold magnifying his frustrations, but oh my goodness. It's really something. We've been sitting on the steps at least 3 times in the past two days because of Joshua hitting me when I tell him no. He's also getting this nasty scream when he doesn't get his way---- like he just has to let the frustration out somehow, and yelling is the best way to get it off his chest. Let's just say Mommy isn't a fan. Terrible 2's...here we come.
The little monster is now sound asleep upstairs. Our no nap theory didn't last too long. We're back into about an hour nap in the afternoons along with some better sleep in the evenings. Thank goodness. We'll take small victories where we can find them.
OK- off to tackle the rest of the to do list while he's still in dreamland. Hopefully he awakes in a much better mood than when he went to sleep. I seriously considered running away from home earlier.
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