Reading silly books with Daddy...can't you almost hear that giggle?
It's been a fun weekend for us. We were thrilled to have Daddy return home from his long week away in New York when he got home on Friday afternoon. Joshua didn't leave his side all Friday evening. I really think he missed him a lot.
Saturday was a quiet day at home. We had some PSU football to watch on TV. We ended up selling our tickets because of the complications of arranging weekend care for Joshua. We weren't quite up for another trip to Lewistown, although I'm sure Joshua would have jumped at the chance to visit with Nana and Pap. So we tucked in for the weekend at home and enjoyed each other. Jason mowed our jungle of a lawn on Saturday morning while I appropriately laid to rest all of the summer flowers that have died over the past week. Joshua spent the entire two hours we were outside running his lawn mower just like daddy. Then he'd jump on the tractor and wave at Daddy while he drove. He's now learned to steer, although not really well yet. But it's amazing how fast he's picked that up. Drivers license, here he comes!
Today has been this morning, football this afternoon, a nice long nap for Joshua. We've got some fantastic baked spaghetti for supper, so that'll surely be a hit with the little guy.
I'm getting kind of tricky here this afternoon. There are actually two new posts today, so don't miss the photos below. More to come this week...counting down to the big PSU/Illinois game on Saturday night and my next chance to visit with Brooke on Friday! Hurry up weekend!!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog. You even inspired me to create my own. I'm still getting the hang of it, and I'm not sure anyone will really care what's there except for me. But I thought it was so cute and a great little snapshot in time to show the kids when they're older.
I am so proud of the Black & Decker toys!!! He looks like he enjoys the power tools- maybe you have a future Dewalt employee on your hands.
"baby ila" sends XXOXO!
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