I never imagined that motherhood would sometimes resemble high school chemistry experiments. But it definitely does from time to time.
Anyone who has followed our blog, seen me in daily life with toothpicks holding my eyes open, or had the pleasure of getting one of "those" phone calls after a bad night with Joshua knows that sleeping is not his forte...not even close. Well, I've read all I can read. And the part of this whole thing that feels like Chem I is the process of experimentation. We try things- even things that don't seem like they'd make much sense. Is it the bedtime routine? Is the room too light? Too dark? Is he going to bed too early? Too late? Did he eat something for supper that is causing him not to sleep? You can seriously drive yourself to drink over this stuff. So, you go about your experiment changing one little thing at a time. Mostly, at least in the case of our son, it makes absolutely no difference. And the way you keep yourself from being committed is that you figure, "well, there's one more thing that it CAN'T be". Until...eureka...you find something that works. That's kind of where we are today, after (gasp) two full nights of sleep from Joshua.
My cardinal sin as a mother was to get him used to being rocked to sleep. Normally, I rock with him and read Dr. Seuss books until I can't rhyme one more silly word with another one. His latest obsession is "Yertle the Turtle". Very cute if you haven't had the pleasure of reading that one a million times. So on Sunday night, he was snoring away in my lap until I moved him into his bed to sleep. The eyeballs popped open and I figured I was in for another round of the Doctor...but instead, he eventually closed those beautiful peepers and went to sleep. We've exchanged the air conditioning in our house for the fall fresh air, so it's been a bit chilly at night time. I then covered him up with an afghan that he couldn't really roll out from under, so he couldn't get too cold during the night at wake up from that. I didn't hear another thing from him until 6 the next morning. Last night I figured I'd try the same thing. Yertle the Turtle until just about asleep, then into bed. (We had to do that twice last night.) Then he fell asleep...got the afghan treatment and slept until 5:15. I know most moms wouldn't celebrate a 5:15 awakening, but for us, this is a major victory.
So, that was a very long way of saying that we're doing better and we'll keep working on this new program we've developed. Keep your fingers crossed!
Did you put Joshua in a bed yet? We had big time problems with McKenna sleeping until someone suggested we put her in a bed. I thought it was way too early b/c she was only 18 months, but it did trick. I thought for sure she would get out of it, but she never did. We put a gate across her door just in case though. Same thing worked for one of my friends at work. She went the toddler bed route and has been sleeping soundly ever since. Just a thought, incase you haven't tried that. Hopefully you got another good night sleep last night. I feel your pain. I don't think McKenna slept routinely through the night until she was about 3! NOT THAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR THAT!! Sorry! I'll talk to you soon. Sweet dreams!
And by the way, it's true what they say--- your second baby will sleep better. (Probably because we don't make the same dumb mistakes twice!! Second babies come with a whole new set of mistakes!!)
Thanks for your suggestions! It makes me feel better to know that other kids have sleeping troubles too---- and we haven't completely ruined him.
We did move him into his toddler bed after a HORRIBLE stretch of virtually no sleep from him in June/July/August. The only way I was functioning at work was to take him into our spare bedroom to lay down with him there. And that "bring him to bed with us" thing was something I vowed never to do...but we did it. Finally, we decided to try the toddler bed, which turned the hours long stretches of night waking to about 3-4 different 10 minute times, where all I'd have to do was sit beside his bed. Much better...but still not perfect. Which brings us to now.
Last night he slept all night again, so we'll keep it up...until he starts getting another tooth and we start all over again.
Keep notes on the 2nd child mistakes....I'll pay you for your knowledge. You can be my consultant.
See you soon!
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