Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a weekend!

As I steal a few moments away from what I SHOULD be doing this morning (laundry!), I thought I'd try to post a quick update about the events of the weekend for all of the loyal Monday morning readers. (HA!) I should note that the Prince is fast asleep (I's 7:54!)

The weekend was awesome. Despite the pouring down rain on Friday and Saturday morning, our day at Beaver Stadium turned out perfectly. Emily's Pap assured me on Saturday morning that it wouldn't rain for the game. He was mostly right (somehow Paps always are) and we escaped the game pretty much as dry as we were when we got there. A quick shower as we packed up the tent and two little periods of drizzle during the game. Nothing a true Penn State fan can't handle. Clearly, we've been there for MUCH worse than that. (My mind flashes back to the game when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Joshua that we literally sat in the pouring down rain all day just because we were afraid it might be the last game that season that we got to see.) But I digress...

The PSU tailgate was fantastic. Good food...great friends...and a chance to show my cousins from Massachusetts what a real PSU game is like. I think they were really surprised by the spectacle that it was. We took them to see the team buses pull in to the stadium, they experienced the chug line, playing washer toss (and dangle balls...which I won't go into) and had enough food and "beverage" to add to the fun. We were blessed with extra company of Steph and Jessy, Emily, Earl and Emily's Pap (who won the prize for BEST contribution to the tailgate menu with perhaps the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten and (breast milk) whoopie pies. There's a story there. Adam and Karyn joined in the fun as well and rounded out a very diverse, yet very fun tailgating crew. Can't wait to do it again.

I can't say enough about the game either. It was one of the most fun games I've been to in quite some time. Anytime you put together 109,000 people, most of whom have been enjoying the day together since early in the morning, put them under the lights to cheer on a good PSU team that they love, it's going to be good. And this one was. I was Penn State proud all the way to my toes on Saturday night. When the Blue Band comes out on to the goal line to start their pre-game show, and when the Alma Mater plays are the two moments that I get choked up at a PSU game. I'm thankful for my Penn State experience, and proud beyond belief to say that I'm a Penn State Alumni.

To add to the fun, a fellow University Choir singer happened to sit beside us.....RIGHT BESIDE the game. I couldn't believe it...or remember his name, but I suddenly felt better when he told me he knew that we had sung together and did the Europe tour together, but he couldn't remember my name either. We caught up a bit during the game, so that was fun. He was a former Blue Band trumpet player and a tenor in U Choir. But the irony of sitting next to someone that you graduated with was kind of bizarre. Add to that that another professional acquaintance from the area here marched up the steps to his seat just as we were sitting down. It's always a hoot to be there among so many people and run into familiar faces. But THAT'S Penn State.

Since this is JOSHUA'S blog, perhaps I should also include him on the fun. Friday night we had such a great evening at my parents' house with my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Carol and Chris and Tim from Massachusetts. Joshua especially enjoyed Pappy Ray too.

Saturday was a special day with Nana and Pap for him. He had been looking forward to tractor rides and gator time, but the rain put most of those plans on the back burner. Dad did tell me that they spent some time in the garage "fixing" things with Joshua's tools, and that seemed to soften the blow of only being able to go on one short tractor ride in between rain showers. Libby and Brooke came over to enjoy the day as well, and I think Joshua really enjoyed that. He keeps telling me about Brooke and how fun it was to play with Aunt Libby. I can't wait until the two of them can really play together....get into trouble together....the whole bit. I swear, Brooke is getting cuter by the second. Libby posted new pictures on her blog yesterday that just about made me cry when I saw them. I don't know how it happens, but I just love her to bits more and more each day. I wish I got to see them more, but maybe I'll just have to put that into the schedule more often. Sorry about your luck Lib, but Aunt Meg is having withdrawl!!!!

Sunday Nana and Josh got up and played while I caught up on a little more sleep. We got in about 1:30 on Sunday morning from the game, so when Joshua was raring to go at 6, I wasn't quite as enthusiastic. They had such fun. I think Joshua was really sad to leave their house yesterday. He had a very mopey look on his face all the way home and wouldn't talk to us. I honestly think he was mad that we brought him home. We assured him that he would see Nana and Pap again soon....but I don't think it's soon enough for him. Joshua enjoyed a few firsts yesterday. He had his first chocolate chip cookie and his first taste of lollipop yesterday. Pictures above. It was pretty cute.

Music class tonight, so I'll post about that tomorrow.

1 comment:

BrookesMommy said...

Hey Aunt Meg!
Just wanted to be sure you knew that Brooke's newest pictures are on our walmart website... If you wanted continue looking at your neice and her little outfits, it's there!

We miss you and we hope you play HOOKY to come see us very soon!

Libby and Brooke