Try teaching a two year old how to roll their tongue. Really, it was a hoot. Joshua and I have a silly moment each night when I get him all wrapped up in his frog towel after his bath. His hands are confined and it's truly the one moment of the day that I have the upper hand. We usually end up making silly faces at each other or giving kisses. Last night he started sticking out his tongue at me, which I imitated. Then I rolled my tongue and you should have heard him laugh. It was like he saw me as a freak circus act or something. And then the fun started when HE tried to do it. I have to give him credit for being persistent, because despite the fact that he never did manage to do it, he sure did try.
In skill updates, we're diligently working on going down stairs so that I don't have to have QUITE as big of a fear of him breaking his neck if I look away for even the slightest second. I doubt it'll ever go away, but having a slight reassurance that he has the skills to handle going down as well as he can go up would be a good thing for me. I let him walk down every time we come downstairs now. He holds on to the railing with one hand and my hand with the other. When we get to the last few steps, I go down to the bottom and let him do it on his own. It's not always pretty, but he's getting it. This morning he did 4 steps without falling. Small victories. And I also have no idea when he's "supposed" to be able to do steps on his own, although all of the "supposed to" timelines serve no real purpose other than to make mommies crazy. At least that's the conclusion I've come to in the last 2 years.
And one cute story from last night. Joshua was VERY excited to see Jason when he came home last evening. He went running into the kitchen screaming "DADDY!" I love that...almost as much as I love him screaming "MOMMY!" when I come home. Well, when we sat down to eat dinner a little while later, I was in the kitchen making Joshua's plate and I heard him say to Jason, "Daddy, I so glad you're home." How sweet is that?
No great pictures this morning. Joshua was too wiggly to take any pictures. Everything came out blurry because he was this STREAK of a toddler running from corner to corner of the house. I'll try harder tonight. I must say, it was easier to take pictures when Joshua was Brooke's age....and immobile. Oh how I miss those days. Speaking of my favorite little pink person, only two wake ups until I get to see her! Joshua keeps asking if it's Friday yet since he knows he's going to Nana and Pap's on Friday. He was quite disappointed when I told him it was Wednesday today. "Not Friday?" he asked. Dad, you better warm up the tractor!
Have a great day everyone!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics and stories!
My man is just the best!
Brookie is very excited to see you all in a few days!
Have fun this weekend. We'll be wishing we were at the game instead of home packing! Looking forward to joining you at the Michigan State game!
I've really enjoyed our time together lately and keeping up with eachother on the blogs.
Safe travels!
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