Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, all these weeks of music class may be paying off. Joshua seems to have caught the singing bug. (Of course, Mommy's very excited!)

Friday evening, Joshua started singing Happy Birthday during dinner. I might note that it was not anyone's birthday in our family, but the mood struck him. He was using his high chair tray as his pretend cake, and then started singing (in a very monotone voice, I might add) "Happy Birthday to Yooooooooooooooooooou. Happy Birthday to Yooooooooooooou." Then he'd say "OK, blow candles out," which was quickly followed with "OK, eat cake now." Jason and I nearly collapsed in tears when this little exchange went on:

Joshua: Sings birthday song. Did the Yoooooooooooooou thing about 4 times.

Jason: "I don't want to have any more birthdays buddy."

Joshua: "Oh come on Daddy. You can do it. Sure you can!"

He's 2.

Then, as if all of this singing wasn't enough fun, he about had me cracking up during church yesterday morning. I usually hold him when we sing hymns during church and ordinarily he'll be messing up my hair or turning the pages in the hymnal making it next to impossible for me to sing. Or he'll have his face pressed up right next to mine which makes me giggle. But yesterday, he was singing along with me. It was more like humming, again in that very monotone voice, but he was singing nonetheless.

I'm hoping that he'll be able to hone these skills a bit into a real Richard singing voice. Do you suppose it's too much to expect him to learn a part in the Christmas medley by Christmas Eve?

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