My poor little buddy has a cold...again. So, we're back on the Ocean Drops again. Interestingly enough, what would normally be a very bad sleeping night wasn't so bad. I heard from Joshua around 11:30 and then not again until 6. It may have been aided a bit by the half dose of Tylenol I gave him when he felt warm last evening. It's nothing serious- just a sniffly nose and those glazed over eyes that are a tell-tale sign of not feeling so hot.
The best part of last evening was that, in Joshua's new found ability to blow his nose, he tends to do it at random times. I've learned to have a tissue pretty handy, but I wasn't quick enough last night. After his bath he started to blow his nose without a Kleenex nearby and then decided to use my t-shirt as his tissue. Not good. Luckily for me it wasn't a very successful blow, so the damage was minimal. These are the things they don't tell you about when you talk about parenthood. You may become a human Kleenex. I'll be sure to share that with others if I'm ever asked for input about what to look forward to.
This morning's "thankful" leaf was awarded to Bear. I knew that one was coming one of these days. He proudly used the glue stick and stuck Bear on that tree very proudly. I'm really enjoying this little project. It's so fun to see how Joshua's mind is spinning when he picks something to be thankful for each morning. I got so excited about the project this morning that I completed the leaf addition and neglected to brush Joshua's teeth. Hey...you can't be perfect, right? Good thing Grandma said she'd take care of that for us after breakfast. So today I'm thankful for Grandma and all of her help!
This morning's "thankful" leaf was awarded to Bear. I knew that one was coming one of these days. He proudly used the glue stick and stuck Bear on that tree very proudly. I'm really enjoying this little project. It's so fun to see how Joshua's mind is spinning when he picks something to be thankful for each morning. I got so excited about the project this morning that I completed the leaf addition and neglected to brush Joshua's teeth. Hey...you can't be perfect, right? Good thing Grandma said she'd take care of that for us after breakfast. So today I'm thankful for Grandma and all of her help!
Oh...and one more thing I've failed to mention over the past few days. If you're ever web browsing, check out the very cool new web video I have on my State Farm microsite. If you're ever missing me, all you have to do is go to http://www.megandugan.com/ and there I'll be in all my glory. It might take a second to load. Let me know if you have any comments...but only if they're nice. Just kidding...I can take it either way.
Happy weekend everyone! We've got another crazy one. Joshua will have a special day with Nana and Pap tomorrow while Jason and I are at a board meeting during the day. Then we'll have some hot dogs and sauerkraut while we watch PSU beat Iowa (they BETTER!) with mom and dad at our house. Sunday will be crammed with all of the catch-up housework, pre-cooking, laundry, shopping, etc I can squeeze into the after-church hours. These kinds of weekends are NOT my favorite--- they're the kind where on Monday I still feel a week behind schedule for not having had the opportunity to relax, regroup and reorganize for the next week. But we'll live. We just might not have a spic and span house or clean socks. I guess those are the sacrifices you have to make sometimes.
Love the video! You do such a great job.
Have a great weekend.
Wow Em....you're quick! Thanks for being kind.
The video is awesome!
You're, like, famous!
That turned out really great! You sound wonderful and you look pretty HOT too!!
Nicely done!
Now...let's not get nuts here. I asked them to shave off about 30 pounds. Evidently you can't actually DO that with editing. But I did try.
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