For the parents of every two year old, some phrase like this one has caused great consternation. And it's happening to us now. Lovely.
When Joshua decides that he doesn't like a suggestion or an order I give him, he'll turn to me, defiant as all-get-out and say, "I will not." Then he turns and walks away as though he's made some grand statement of decision that he's going to get away with.
Usually it follows with an, "Oh YES you will" from me. Defining who's boss really doesn't concern me. Both Jason and I are pretty firm with Joshua, and neither of us put up with too much garbage from him, despite the fact that he's constantly testing us on the limits, although not usually in this brazen a manner. We'll work on this and conquer it the same way we did the hitting and the biting (oh the biting). We'll be consistent and firm, and help him to understand that you just can't say things like that to people.
Last evening it ended with a spell on the stairs (our time-out spot) and a talk about him not doing what Mommy and Daddy tell him to do. Mom, you'll like this one... I told him that he can't say "I will not" to me and that nice boys say, "Sure Mommy. I'd be GLAD TO!" (Libby and I still tease mom about her making us say this when we were particularly unhappy with her request of us. Sure Mom, I'd be glad to carry the laundry basket upstairs for you. Sue Mom, I'd be glad to clean my room. I just didn't figure I'd be starting this young to introduce that concept with Joshua. Yikes.)
So...Super Mommies...if you've got a good plan of action or suggestions on this little turn in the road of toddlerhood, I'm listening.
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! My bets are that I will be pajama-clad, comfortable and snoring on the couch by 10:00 pm. (I know...a wild night for me. I haven't seen 10:00 in about a year.)
I can't wait to see what 2009 has in store for us all. Blessings everywhere, I'm sure!
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