This morning gave us the gift of a few extra hours together until the ice melted a bit in Lycoming County. Joshua and I giggled so much...what a blessing. I'm still hearing that precious giggle running through my mind. As soon as I opened his door this morning, he sat straight up with this ear-to-ear smile and said, "My Mommy!" (as though he couldn't have been happier to see me....simply amazing) and then "Mommy, I slept ALLLLLLLL night!" (He expected applause and accolades, which he did not receive because this is, in fact, a big lie.) But he tried. I have to give him credit. We talked for a while about his night's sleep. He described it as, "Ummmm....pretty good." I, personally, recall a stretch from 2 am until about 3:20 where we met each other 4 different times. But he didn't seem to remember that. But he was so adorable with his hair a mess and clinging to Bear while we chatted that I mostly forgot all about it.
We spent the rest of our morning eating a pancake in his new big boy booster seat. Another "baby phase" has now been passed as we put the high chair down in the basement last evening. Our "high chair parking" was overtaken by the new love seat yesterday, and our experiment at dinner last evening worked much better than anticipated. Joshua loved the booster seat and sat relatively still while he ate. I think he likes being at the table with us.
After the pancake, we played a very ambitious game of "Soooo.....what can I get for you today?" that even included a drawing of each item on his magna doodle before he brought me my pretend goods. Then we played band for a while with his instruments. I had the guitar while he played the keyboards (our coffee table) and we giggled. Oh how we giggled. He was busy making crafts when I left for the office. He had affixed about a million stickers to construction paper and was coloring like a champ. What a sweet boy....I'm so glad he's ours.
I'll leave you with a few pictures. Two of the man himself, wolfing down his pancakes. Aunt Libby, aren't you proud of your partner in pancake loving? Please take notice of the screwdriver and comb sitting next to his Penn State plate. In between bites, he said he had to give his sippy cup a haircut. I didn't ask... The last two are of our little project at the house. I sat this morning on the new loveseat and realized that it was, without a doubt, the longest I'd ever spent in the former dining room. We still have some accentuating to do, but it's come together pretty nicely consdering the fact that discussions began about it the weekend after Thanksgiving. Warp speed is about how things move at our house. Most of the time it's a good thing...and the rest of the time it just makes my head spin.
The Muppets Christmas special is on tonight. We'll see what Siskel and Ebert have to say about that one.
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