Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I shouldn't laugh this hard at work...

Guilty as charged. I came in to the office this morning to work on finances (this happens on or around the 15th and 30th of each month) and tends to be the most stressful and anxious we can mark on the calendar. It's just not the part I enjoy. So I thought I'd procrastinate for a quick moment and check in on all of the kiddos---- some I know, and some I don't. Great revelations this morning...

  • Emily and I (third cousins twice removed or whatever the relation...I've never gotten a handle on it) evidently are more closely related than we think. Both of our homes smelled like lasagna over the weekend. Now, if only we had TALKED about this, perhaps I wouldn't still have lasagna for 13 in my refrigerator, after two meals had been eaten out of it for the Dugan Three. But funny nonetheless.

  • And I'm literally just about peeing myself giggling (actually out loud) at Angie Smith's blog recounting her experience rushing to the hospital to be present for her best friend Audra's labor and birth of her new baby girl. Now, I do not know these people, but goodness did she make me laugh. Go read it ( You deserve to giggle too. This made me feel a bit like I did the day Libby was laboring to coerce Brooke to come and meet her fan club and I was sitting.....anxious....sitting and just feeling like I should DO something to help her. I should at least go there. Sitting and looking at my cell phone willing it to ring wasn't doing one single lick of good. And how I laid awake the night Lindsay was in labor with beautiful Lila just feeling like I should get in the car and go. Like I could have been helpful, which I'm sure I could not have. But if you've ever been on the "waiting" end of things, which I'm sure we all have, you should read it. It's really funny. And definitely better than finances.

Speaking of which, I must go and emerge myself into the dreaded middle of the month chore.

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