Sorry I've been absent lately......it's not for a lack of things to write about, but more about my lack of time to put my fingers to the keyboard. I'm awake, dressed and about half packed to head to Lewistown for a quick one-night visit, so I thought I'd check in on everyone and say hello. Mostly, I'm thinking about Emily and her VERY long work shift today, so I MUST give her some reading material to pass the time.
I still have to do my tagged post from Libby, but I'll work on 25 Things About Joshua for all of your reading enjoyment (and my reminiscing)...
1. Joshua came into the world in a bit of a complex way. If left up to him, I would still be pregnant. I'm convinced of it.
2. He LOVES cheese....best source of protein he's got. Might have something to do with the 40 pounds of cheese he made me want to eat while we were travelling around together in 2006.
3. Favorite snack these days: Nilla Wafers (the mini ones that are colored). Oh....and fruit snacks.
4. Adores lawn mowers. We got one at Toys R Us that I wish had an odometer. He walked that thing around last spring/summer until I thought the wheels would fall off. $12 well spent. If he hears one anywhere in our development, he's on it.
5. He gets quite a kick out of playing with his Daddy and laughs the hardest when Daddy tickles him. He begs you to stop, but then smiles and begs you to "do it again please".
6. He doesn't, at least at this point, have the best singing voice. It's pretty monotone and everyhing is sung in whole notes. I have no idea when the vocal talent might be "supposed to" emerge, but we're still waiting.
7. He loves his Aunt Libby so much it's almost scary. And it's been that way since he was brand new. Warms my heart.
8. He loves Lucky Charms, but it takes some convincing and trickery to get him to eat the brown ones. He'll pick marshmallows out all day long and leave the rest.
9. He still falls asleep in my arms in the rocking chair every single night. And while I know it's a habit we need to work on breaking, I love it too much to push too hard.
10. His Bear is never far from his sight. He goes along with us EVERYWHERE, although we have made a new rule that Bear has to stay in the car when we're in malls or big stores where he could get........uh........left behind.
11. He gets so excited each morning when he sees Grandma's car pull into the driveway.
12. His favorite show on TV is Imagination Movers...particularly Mover Scott. It's the only 30 minute period of time you can really count on getting anything done around the house when you're here with him.
13. His middle name is Robert....after his Pap.
14. Speaking of names, deciding on his was a major event. We couldn't agree on anything. In the delivery room, Dr. Miller knew the two names we were considering and said, "He looks like a Joshua." (We were pretty set on that anyway, but as long as everyone was in agreement...) By the way, the other choice was Nicholas....which I still love.
15. He LOVES to eat vegetables. I know.....it's weird. I never worry about this child and his fruits and veggies. Last night he sat down and ate an entire (pretty big) bowl of blueberries. And then asked for more. Who IS this child?
16. He has enormous feet. Seriously.
17. He loves to do crafts and make things for people. Paints, stickers, markers, you name it.
18. He is quickly developing an obsession for Legos (the bigger ones).
19. He has attended 3 Key Club conventions (sick, I know)....one in my tummy right after we found out about him, one in the Snugli (and I'm not kidding) while I was walking around, and one last year on his own two feet. This March will be 4....and probably the last.
20. We are bribing him with a trip to Disney World in order to generate some interest in potty training. Shameful, I know...but you do what you must. He's still not on board, but we keep talking it up.
21. He shakes when he pees. It's a dead giveaway. Too bad it's after the fact and doesn't do anything to help with #20.
22. He loves watching videos of himself on the computer. He giggles at the silly things he did when he was a baby.
23. He gives the best "squeeze tight" hugs you could ask for.
24. He loves steak from Byerlys. They're thrilled with this and know that we're good for at least two steak dinners a month from there. They smile when they see me come in the door, and I don't think it's because they're so happy for the chance to talk to me. It's the big list I walk in with that entices them.
25. He makes me laugh at least a thousand times every single day. How'd I get so lucky?
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