Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How many silly things can happen in an hour?

I arrived home from work yesterday afternoon and was immediately entertained. I love it when that happens. The day, up to that point, would not be described as entertaining. So I started snapping pictures amidst my giggles.

First, Joshua took off his pants and then began arranging his letters from the fridge into a perfectly straight line. After I snapped this, he started to group them by color. It appears that he has contracted the "organizing" gene from both of his parents. I honestly don't know why he didn't want to wear his pants. But hey, it's a free country, right?

Then, he called me to the steps so that we could play "choo-choo". He was the engineer and was driving the train (can't you see him holding onto the steering wheel?) wherever I told him we should go. He was screaming "All ABOARD!" at the top of his lungs claiming to be the man on the Polar Express. (Yep, we're back on that again although we're holding firm on our No-Polar-Express-Until-Thanksgiving rule lest we both lose our minds.)

Then we did stickers. This sticker book has gotten more mileage than I can even begin to tell you. He is now in the stage of taking all of the stickers off of each page, coloring underneath them and then putting the stickers back. Don't ask. He's having we go with it. But the picture caught a sneeze in the act. Makes me laugh.

All of this happened between 5:15 and 5:45. Never a dull moment in the Land of Joshua.

1 comment:

Lindsay, Ian and Lila said...

The organizing gene- I understand . . . but where did he get the "take my pants off in the kitchen" gene??