We had a very fun time coloring Easter eggs last night with Joshua. My expectations were, shall we say, limited. I knew that Joshua would have a good time, and he seemed to, especially seeing all of the colors that we made.
You may notice that he actually "colored" a big egg of his own while we were working with the dye. I thought that was a brilliant diversion, if I do say so myself.
When it was all said and done, Joshua needed to eat a yellow egg first. He had no interest in using the stickers or any other decorations on the eggs themselves, and rather wanted to put them on paper. So that's what we did. So we have about a dozen brightly colored eggs with no other glitz or glamour. But we had a good time.
And I'm pleased to report that no egg dye landed anywhere it wasn't supposed to. Victory on all accounts.
Beautifully done!
Nice work giving Josh his own egg to "color!"
You would have made a great kindergarten teacher!
Hi Megan,
Now that you've mastered the pills in the cup thing next year you can graduate to blowing the yolk out so you can keep the eggs forever.
Joshua's eggs are beautiful. I'm a fan of single colored eggs. Not a sticker fan either.
Happy Easter!!!
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