That's the Price You Pay for a New Pair of Black Shoes
In all of the things that I cleared out of my closet last week, an overabundance of shoes was not one of them. I do not really have a thing with shoes...at least if we're going to put this into the perspective of the way a female usually adores shoes. My husband would disagree, I'd bet. But anyway. I normally have about 5 pairs of shoes that I wear....and I do mean wear. My patent leather, pointy toed black heels were my most beloved. I probably wore them 5 out of the 6 days each week that I have to get dressed up. Love. Those. Shoes. They've been showing some wear, and I've been stretching them out as long as I could.
Yesterday morning before church, I got dressed in my trusty black shoes and realized that when I walked on the hardwood floor I sounded like I had tap shoes on. Joshua even asked me why my walk sounded funny. It's because the shoes breathed their last. The tip on the heel was gone and I now, officially, had black patent leather, pointy toed tap shoes. Not good. I can't tap dance.
So we needed to hit the mall. I couldn't let Monday come without shoes. I decided I'd pull a super mom feat...change from church, shove lunch down Joshua's throat (in 45 minutes rather than an hour...amazing, I know), get to the mall, secure shoes and get back before we had missed the window of opportunity for a nap. No sleeping in the car because with Joshua, that means, NO NAP. And if you recall, I had big plans to work on the basement yard sale items while he slept.
We got the shoes. They're not patent leather, but they are pointy toed and they do make me quite happy. I believe they will even be able to be fancied up for our gala dinner in New York City next weekend. (Read: I will not be buying an impractical pair of strappy cute shoes to wear to a ONE TIME dinner in New York City. Go back and read about my wearing out theory on shoes if that doesn't make sense.) But here's where it all fell apart. Joshua was a great sport at the mall. He threw 8 pennies directly into the fountain with no misses and was super proud of himself. He chatted with people we knew and some we didn't. Really, it was a fun trip. He was groggy on the way home....eyes very heavy. He even closed them for about 10 minutes at one point. He woke up screaming and didn't close his eyes again until 10 pm last evening.
No nap. No basement cleaning done. And that, my friends, is the price you pay for a new pair of black shoes.
No Nap Makes Joshua Very Silly...
Here are a few silly play time pictures from yesterday. With no sleep, it seemed to really spark Joshua's silly creative play. Here he is with his wobble goggles on his head and his bear light around his neck while he "fixed" the TV as I made dinner. As tired as he was, he was playing pretty independently and pretty contentedly. I enjoyed watching it.

These are from football practice with Daddy. He's getting a little better with catching, and boy can he ever throw. They giggle and carry on, and so do I. Luckily, the camera was close by and I was able to catch a few of the proud accomplishment smiles when he caught the ball. We're not quite ready to send a tape to JoePa yet, but he's having fun.
Doctor kit bag on head. Using his maracas and tamborine as a drum. What more can I say than that. I have no idea what was going on here. Jason and I were talking and all of a sudden he said, "Look at him!"

Phone Call To Dr. Miller
Dr. Miller is our (really, my) OB/GYN. I don't know why Joshua decided that he needed to talk to him yesterday evening, but he did. I'll rescipt this as closely as possible because you really do need to get the whole thing as I did observing it.
Television remote pressed to his face like a telephone.
"Hello? Dr. Miller? This is Joshua Dugan calling."
"I'm calling because I need to ask you something. My mommy hurt her foot. (We were sitting on our bed talking to Jason and he told me he needed to "fix" me.) Could you come and take a look at it?"
I kid you not. I'm not sure why he thought Dr. Miller would be a good choice for my foot since that's not exactly his.......um.......specialty. Not even close. But we didn't get into that.
1 comment:
All I have to say is...
I love this kid!
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