...would this not be one of the most exciting things you've ever seen?
Joshua was lucky enough to be the recipient of an invitation to participate in the christening of Sydney's new jumper last evening. The thing was hardly even out of the box and blown up before we gave it the test of not one, but TWO, two year olds.
I have to tell you- Sydney is a pro jumper. She's made for this thing. Joshua, on the other hand, was a bit tentative (as he is in most things that are new to him). He just stood in it and let Sydney bounce for the both of them. Then he realized how much fun it is to get in and out of it via the slide on the front, so he did that a few thousand times. Then he realized that there was a motor that was making it blow up.....and that took the cake. He had to examine it, and then examine the rest of the way the jumper was constructed. I said to Darla at one point that if he had brought his tools, he'd have had that thing torn apart. He eventually did some jumping, but Sydney took the gold medal if we're handing them out for performances.
Darla and I did a little catching up while the kids played. With two babies in our bellies that will quite literally be a month or less apart in age, we've got a lot to discuss. And our time to do so is far too short, and too far in between. So that was a nice mommy treat while the kids bounced their brains out.
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