On Sunday evening, I asked Joshua what he'd like to name his fireman. His answer..."Pastor Dave".
Perhaps I should clarify that the highlight of Sunday was Joshua's opportunity to shake hands with both Pastor Dave and Pastor Jamie, the pastors at the church we've been attending since January of this year and that will become our permanent church home as soon as possible. It's awesome there! Evidently, Joshua thought there was a resemblance between his puppet and Pastor Dave. In his defense, they do both have mustaches. However in all of our Sundays attending church and getting to know people there, I've never seen him wear a fireman's hat or coat.
You can probably tell how behind I am this week when post that began with Sunday evening material is just getting posted on Thursday. That's just been how it's gone this week. We've spent our evenings outside with the lawn mower. Joshua's new found love (and undeniable NEED) to help Jason anytime he's doing anything involving machinery that could clearly kill him has equated to me needing to be outside during these chore times as well. I'll never grumble about being with the family...it's just that it's resulted in some shuffling and reappropriation in terms of the inside work that needed to be done.
Add to that the fact that the house didn't get cleaned last week due to the New York trip, and you'll get one Megan in one nasty tailspin with one extra large to-do list.
Add to THAT the fact that Joshua and I are leaving again on Saturday morning not to return until Monday morning. And there is dirt in places in the house where there shouldn't be. So there are a few things to get done prior to our departure. The good news is that it's all getting done, little by little and one thing at a time.
A Grandma doctor's appointment tomorrow morning buys us grocery shopping time. And if I'm lucky, I'll have completely gotten through the house cleaning by the end of the evening tonight.
We're looking VERY forward to spending some time in Lewistown this weekend. It's been far too long since Brooke and I have talked, so we need to do that. And Joshua is itching for a tractor ride with Pap. So hopefully we can do a whole bunch of both of those things. We'll be partying with the Richard cousins at our 2nd Annual Cousins Day event on Saturday and then celebrating the impending arrival of baby Anna on Sunday afternoon. In between those things- lots of Aunt Libby and Nana and Pap time, for sure.
There will likely be pictures......and lots of them.
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