There was the Mother's Day progression....photo style. Above are photos of all three of the Mother's Days I've gotten to celebrate as a mommy. Joshua was only about 7 months old in the first picture. It's fun to watch my little buddy getting bigger and bigger each year. And the idea of adding another little bundle next year makes my heart smile.
What a handsome little guy he looked like yesterday all decked out in his sweater vest. We had a great day...albeit a quiet one. Joshua and I headed to church, where he gave me the gift of getting to listen to a sermon for the first time in months. He wanted to go in with the kids, but insisted that I would need to stay with him, which I refused to do. So he stayed in church with me, ate a lollipop and some pretzels and didn't make a peep through the whole service. Happy Mother's Day to me. Another nice surprise was the rolling and fluttering I was feeling through the service as well from the littlest Dugan. I'll never cease to be amazed at the feeling of life inside me and the reminder that it is of the gift God has given to us in our children. Before we even have a chance to lay eyes on them, know who they look like, or what their little lives will turn into...God gives us the gift of feeling their life as it grows.
We spent the afternoon cutting grass outside, and finally (after a fight) Joshua took a nap. That allowed some time to get dinner started and do a few loads of laundry. It's back to business as usual at our house, can you tell?
I had my normal doctor's appointment for the baby this morning. The reports back to Dr. Miller indicated the same things that they told me at our appointment a few weeks ago. No visible signs of Trisomy 18, but they needed to take another peek around 22 weeks to confirm that nothing was more evident once the baby was bigger. We have that follow up appointment at Geisinger on June 4th, and then our regular ultrasound at the doctor's office on June 9th. Two sets of trained eyes on the subject within a week of each other---- great news as far as I'm concerned. I continue to grow- gained a few pounds (blah blah blah)......they didn't seem interested in my explanation of how being in New York probably contributed to those 3 pounds. Hmmmm. But everything is in check and looking good.
Not too much else to report from here for today. It's great to be back at work digging out from a few days away. I'm already counting down the days to Cousins Day and Stacie's baby shower in Lewistown this weekend. I'm in need of a Brooke fix in a BAD BAD way.
Happy Monday everyone!
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