It was really nice to get away for a few days, and we'd have been fools to pass up an opportunity to enjoy the city in the way we were afforded thanks to the investment company who hosted Jason there along with about 100 other financial advisors from across the country. We got to stay in a famous, old, glamorous hotel....awesome. Just walking into the lobby of this place made you feel special.

Jason and I had a chance to leave a bit earlier than planned, get into the city without me having a panic attack (although I'll admit it was a close call.......who on earth DRIVES in a place like that....oh yeah, that'd be us!!), and then had an opportunity to spend the afternoon walking around the city together. We hit FAO Schwartz for Joshua and picked up a few goodies for him. We scouted out a few other hot spots that I had wanted to see, and appreciated seeing with him. Then we ducked into a little restaurant just in the nick of time as some of the biggest raindrops I have ever seen came from the clouds. We were among the lucky ones under cover--- but it was partially humorous to see the peoplel scrambing outside the cafe window. We were slightly concerned about our likelihood of contracting the swine flu while in this establishment, however. It was completely run by Mexicans and there was a gentleman who was clearly sick, sweating, and hacking up a lung at the table behind us. So far, we are symptom free. And frankly, I'll take my chances as opposed to being out in that storm. It still rained the rest of our walk back to the Waldorf, but we managed.
We got cleaned up and then headed down for a drink in a little lounge in the hotel--- Sir Larry's or Harry's or something along those lines. Don't worry...I enjoyed 2 ginger ales (for $7) while Jason imbibed on some martinis. I shudder to tell you, but they were each $20. We nearly fainted at the bill. The interesting part was that both of us looked up at one point and said, at the same time..."Isn't that Mallory?" (as in, Justine Bateman from Family Ties). As it turns out, it was Mallory. She was talking with a man in the bar about auditions and plans she has that she'd like to get involved with. It made us giggle to have had a celebrity sighting so soon in our trip.
The highlight of the trip was our dinner on Thursday evening. We had arranged for a car to take us to Trump International Hotel to eat dinner at Jean Georges-- a pretty highly acclaimed New York restaurant. We knew we had picked a good one when the concierge at the Waldorf looked impressed when we asked him what time we should leave the hotel for our 7:45 reservation. The dinner was simply amazing. We both love to eat, and appreciate a good dinner. This one, without a doubt, topped any I've ever had. The food was fancy, but recognizable. The filet I had was hands down the best I have ever eaten. Dessert was to die for. We were dressed up, enjoying each others' company, and having a blast. Who cares that the car ride cost us $96 each way. (Yikes!)
Friday morning, Jason headed off into his meetings while I met my cousin Danaca and her girlfriend Christine for a day together in the city. Danaca had scouted out a great brunch place which we all loved. We hopped on and off the subway like pros (she was a pro, I just followed and did everything she did) and got to everywhere I had hoped to go. We went to the World Trade Center site, saw Statue of Liberty from Battery Park, went to Rockefeller Center and met Matt Lauer (if he looks a bit like cardboard in the picture, don't mind that), ate a cupcake from the Magnolia Bakery and did some more shopping. My feet were KILLING me by the time I got back to the room and had to get dressed for dinner.

Our Friday night dinner was at the University Club, an Ivy League only exclusive club. The architecture was amazing. We found ourselves just wandering around looking at everything and admiring the fact that we were actually inside a place like that. The food was good....but the atmosphere took the cake on that one.
Saturday morning, we knew it was time to come home when my french toast and Jason's eggs benedict cost us $70. I'd had enough of city living at that point. In the car we went, and I could not wait to get home to Joshua. I can't describe how I hate to be away from him, although any of you with children understand that feeling. But we managed. Jason and I got some much needed time together, but I was most certainly ready to get home. From the reports we got, Joshua couldn't have cared less that we were gone. He did, however, have some amazing hugs for us when we got in the door. He was too excited to nap yesterday, but did manage to fall asleep on the way to Walmart when we went for groceries yesterday afternoon. Gotta love the sunglasses in the picture, right?

So all's well that ends well. Let's just say that it's not likely that we'll be moving to New York City any time soon. The peace and quiet of our little, boring life appeals to me greatly. But it was nice to be among the cool and urban for a few days...not that I fit in in the slightest. But it was fun to pretend.
Let's just say the Country Mouse is glad to be home!
1 comment:
Meg -
LOVE the Vera!
LOVE the pictures of you girls in the city!
Thank goodness for Danaca knowing her way around that place - I'm convinced that you would still be lost in the city, had you gone on your own!
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