If it is our job as parents to bring as many smiles as possible to our kids' faces, then Knoebel's just might be the mecca of spots to take a 2 year old. (I realize the smiling factor is only one small element of our job as parents....but it sure is one of the fun ones, isn't it?) You can see for yourself in the pictures, but I think our choice to head there on Saturday evening was a good one. And, for the record, so did Joshua. He's been asking to go back ever since we got in the car to come home on Saturday night. We sure are blessed to have this place right in our backyard. Within 30 minutes, you're there, parked and riding your first ride. It makes for glorious evenings without having to go through the drama of spending a whole day away from home (and packing food, and supplies, and changing diapers in places other than your own house, etc.). We're famous for eating an early supper (this time, hot dogs on the grill) and jumping in the car to go over until dark or until Joshua seems like he's had enough. The dark qualifier always comes first...amazingly.
Daddy has claimed the spot as Joshua's favorite riding partner. I did manage an appearance on the merry-go-round, but otherwise, Josh wanted to ride with his Daddy. Really, it's fine with me considering the fact that even some of those kiddie rides spin a bit too quickly for me. And let's face it, those rides are meant for small children......not Mommies with OTHER small children in their bellies. I was the keeper of the stroller and the camera while they rode until they couldn't ride anymore.
Bedtime was quite delayed, due to not returning home until after 9:30. This also meant that Joshua slept and slept and slept on Sunday morning before church. I believe it was going on 8:15 until his eyes opened with a little coaxing from me. THAT meant that he decided a nap wasn't a priority after church yesterday afternoon. However, something interesting happened. For the first time in Joshua's life, he said he didn't want to sit on my lap to go to sleep. You might think I was sad, but I wanted to do jumping jacks! "Really? You want to lay down and close your eyes like a big boy? Holy crap!" I enthusiastically let him down from his reading spot on my lap and he crawled into bed. I covered him up, kissed him goodnight and went downstairs. That child lay in his bed for over an hour.......not sleeping. He was wide awake. At times, we could hear him whispering to his animals over the monitor. Sometimes he was getting books and taking them back to bed to read. But he didn't fuss for even one second. So, I guess he had quiet time at least. And honestly, he was fine the rest of the day (minus one small temper tantrum about coming inside....the root of nearly all of our temper tantrums in this house). So we'll see what comes of that.

In unrelated news, today marks the six year anniversary of my becoming a State Farm Agent. That's almost impossible to believe. But, June 1, 2003 was my first day in my office, and there began a wonderful stage of my life. At the time, Jason and I were dating, and we spent our evenings travelling to each other. So I'd work all day, then hop in the car to get to Harrisburg, only to return at about 5:00 am the next morning. Several days each week, he'd also make the trip to see me. It wasn't long until we realized that it was pretty silly to be living this way and the plans were put into motion for him to move to Lewisburg as well. I feel blessed to LOVE my job.....love it. I also feel blessed to have the freedom that I do. And as guilty as I sometimes feel about not being with Joshua all the time, I also know that if I'm feeling that way, I can just pick a day to spend with him. I've been blessed with an amazing opportunity- to do good things for people and be rewarded by a pretty fantastic company. Six years might turn into 45 in a hurry at this pace. But that's fine with me.
Music class is tonight at 5:30 to begin the summer session. I know a little boy who is pretty excited about that. He happens to be snoring at the moment, but I'll place any money on him asking about it first thing when he awakes.....or maybe second, after Knoebel's.
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