You know, so much that he'd strip down, put his socks on his hands and play with this much passion?
Neither have I.
And yes, he did really strip all of his clothes off on his own (I was impressed with how far his undressing skills have come in the last couple of months....through my giggles) and go to get his guitar because there was one on TV. We're still not sure why this particular guitar solo required him to be sans clothes, but he assured me later when we talked about it that it was necessary. I didn't argue.
In other news (and I seriously almost called CNN about this)...Joshua crossed over yesterday morning at church and went to KIDS CHURCH ALL BY HIMSELF. And by all by himself, I mean, I walked him back there, told him I was leaving to go back to big church and that I'd be back for him in a little while. He said, "OK Mommy", went to sit on his carpet square with Miss Sarah and didn't fuss even for an instant. I nearly cried myself being so proud of him.
Church was exceptionally long (and by that I mean he was with the kids from about 10:35 until 12:15 when church finished....there was MUCH special music and communion, as well as all of the other normal things). I thought for sure I'd find him a blubbering mess when it was all over. He was a mess all right, but he was covered in bubble solution from a bubble lesson they had done. I also hear that he painted, but it was too wet to bring home.
Joshua was super excited because Pastor Jamie was back this week from his honeymoon. I wish I could convey to you how beside himself he's been for the past two weeks that Pastor Jamie hasn't been in church. He kept asking where he was and what he was doing, so I explained that he had gotten married and was on a special trip. Well, wouldn't you know, when we were shaking hands to leave church (after I washed the bubbles off of him....nice of me, huh?) he says to the Pastor and his new wife, "So, Pastor Jamie, how was your trip?" I thought the pastor would crack up (his wife did). He explained that they were on a big airplane and a big boat trip to see some fish. Joshua was impressed and asked about 87 more questions before we decided to move on and allow the nice people behind us to actually leave church.
It was a big day all around.
1 comment:
I knew you could do it!
Children's Church all by yourself! Hooray!!!
I almost cried too - being so proud of him!
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