I know that there are going to be a lot of upcoming posts dealing with "firsts" again in our family's future. When the baby gets here, we're going to get starting doing "first this" and "first that" again, and that makes me very excited. But I'm still finding a few "firsts" that we haven't celebrated yet to include in a post today from our weekend festivities.
I won't even begin to tell you that I'm tired, behind on my list of things to do, etc. from the weekend. That's a broken record, and by now, we should just accept that that's how the first day of the work week is going to feel. Something tells me that's not going to get any better before it gets a whole lot worse.

Here is the first look at Joshua sporting his very FIRST Penn State football jersey. Given his size and stature, we're not sure whether it's realistic to dream of him wearing an official one someday or not, but for now, he makes a dashing #17, don't you think? Joshua spent the day on Saturday with Nana and Pap while Jason took a very waddling me to Happy Valley for the day. I have to say that it wasn't nearly as miserable as I would have expected. I think my joy at being in the stadium, watching the Blue Band and witnessing a trouncing of the opponent outweighed a sore back, being sweaty, and having to pee. I will say, however, that God heard my prayers last week because the seat immediately to my left was E-M-P-T-Y! It was no small miracle. My restricted liquid intake worked as well on Saturday. I didn't have to make any trips over the 10 people between me and the aisle to get to the restroom other than at halftime, so all in all, it was a successful day. We'll hope that this coming Saturday is just as enjoyable.

This is our very first picture of Joshua and Brooke where they're both cooperating, looking at the camera, and smiling. They both looked so adorable in their Penn State attire that we just had to make an attempt at a photo together, despite our frustration from past efforts like this. I wish I could have captured on video the antics that were required from Libby while Zig and I were snapping pictures of the kids. That was the funniest part, but what we got was worth the silliness that ensued. Let's just say that if any of you expect a picture of Joshua and the baby together in your Christmas card from the Dugans, it's going to have to involve Libby saying "Cheese Please" and doing her dance.

The highlight of the weekend was being in Lewistown to be able to help this little princess enjoy her first birthday celebration. Even though she won't officially be 1 until Thursday, just about everyone who resides in Mifflin County descended upon Libby and Zig's back yard to be a part of the party. If there was ever any doubt about how loved this little girl is, there is no longer. It was a wonderful day with family and friends. Joshua spent the day running around the backyard and pulling anyone he could make eye contact with to help him build his pretend campfire. Special thanks to all who indulged him. Keeping him out of Uncle Zig's real campfire proved challenging, but we left Burnham without any third degree burns, and most of our patience in tact.

This one isn't a picture of any "firsts", but Joshua (and Mommy and Daddy) sure did enjoy some special time with Nana and Pap and Aunt Libby, Uncle Zig and Brooke this weekend. Our trips to Lewistown are quickly coming to a screeching halt until the holiday season rolls around, so it's been nice to spend a good amount of time there this summer. We'll be back this coming weekend for one more party, but then will be staying close to home until the little lady is here, safe and sound. We'll probably be brave enough (and organized enough) to attempt our first trip to Lewistown for Thanksgiving unless cabin fever really does a number on me and makes me demented enough to think we can handle it sooner than that.
With three weeks to go, preparations hit high gear. The car seat is in the back of my Highlander to be installed possibly today. The laundry, despite my procrastination, really needs to be done sometime this week so that we have something clean to put on this baby when we bring her home. Let the games begin!
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