1. To stand on while brushing his teeth. This is why we bought the thing in the first place
2. To wash his hands. (A helpful surprise usage, but he'll bring it with him no matter where he goes so that he can wash his hands at any of the 4 sinks in our house. Regardless of whether he needs to or not.)
3. He uses it as a television that he has to fix. His tape measure is always wrapped around the legs of it as the "cord" and there are always tools strewn about.
4. As a backpack. It's not pretty, but it happens frequently.
5. To help me cook things in the kitchen. He has successfully helped to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, cupcakes, mashed potatoes and several other dinner related things while standing up like a big boy. I have to say, it's much easier than trying to perch him on the counter and "hope" he can't reach things like eggs, glass things, knives, or anything else that might make a terrible mess or cause a trip to the ER.
6. To reach things that are situated high atop tables, counters, televisions, etc. so that they can be cleaned. I do not argue about this one....ever. If he wants to clean, I say, "God bless his little heart."
7. As a wagon. He'll turn it upside down, put his tools in it, and drag it around the house.
8. As a lawn mower spotter. It used to be, upon hearing a lawn mower running within a 16 mile radius from our house, we would need to lift Joshua up for inordinate amounts of time so that he could search for the mower and see who was cutting their grass. If they were close enough to see, he had to be out there with them. Now, he'll drag the step stool to the window and look on his own. Mr. Independent.
9. As a stage for a musical performance. Most recently we've had harmonica concerts. It's been a treat.
And finally, the one that made me think about writing these things down....
10. As a foot protector while in the bathtub. Joshua got a small blister on his left big toe while playing at Nana and Pap's two weeks ago. It's been treated with more Neosporin than I care to tell you about. It's been the cause of several middle of the night meltdowns when he realizes that it all of a sudden is KILLING him. We've used band-aids, wet paper towels, every other remedy known to man, and yet this blister continues to give Joshua fits when he gets into the bathtub. So, after enduring a screaming toddler during his bath when I played tough and told him to suck it up, I had to MacGuyver something else on Saturday night because if I had to take the shrieking for another night I may have jumped off the Lewisburg bridge. So I put his step stool in the water and told him to put his foot up on the stool so that the water wouldn't hurt it. Seriously.
So there you have it. 10 good uses for a $2.50 step stool from Target. I believe we've more than gotten our money's worth.
This picture has nothing to do with my post, but Joshua thought he was hysterical yesterday morning while wearing his "bear hat". I had to share it.
I also should say that things went very well at our appointment for the baby yesterday. My blood pressure was better, no crazy weight gain (let me clarify--- that's according to the doctor--- if you ask me, 2 pounds in one week constitutes crazy weight gain, but then I guess my perspective comes from the fact that I am the one who has to take the weight OFF again, not him), blood work came back fine and the ultrasound showed a perfectly thriving baby with plenty of movement and plenty of fluid and a solid 136 heart rate. She was estimated at 6 1/4 pounds, although they said it could be give or take 10%. We're expecting a nice, average 7 1/2 pounder in a few weeks. Our plan for the 30th stands at this point. I'll complete my pre-op stuff and check in with the doctor again next Tuesday. Immediately following that appointment I have scheduled a prenatal massage that I am seriously looking forward to.
More to come...there always is.
1 comment:
For future reference...The Lewisburg bridge is not high enough to successfully get you out of doing just about anything.
Love Joshua's awesome imagination!
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