Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The One Who Isn"t Sick...

...she's the only one who takes good pictures right now. Sweet as ever. Getting cuter every day it seems. Our daughter is the source of so much joy.

Lauren and I have been spending a great deal of time together while the boys have been in isolation upstairs, not out of necessity but because that's where they both felt most comfortable in their misery. I knew they both gfelt awful last night when Lauren and I were downstairs alone at 7:30 with both Jason and Josh tucked into bed for the night. We talked some (a very one-sided conversation), ate a few times (Lauren did), and watched a little So You Think You Can Dance before wrapping Lauren in her magic blanket and tucking in ourselves.
Jason is still recuperating today, and Josh is napping (proof that he still doesn't feel good). We hope you're all healthy and enjoy the pictures of Lauren. I sure am enjoying her snuggles as she dreams in my arms. And yes...I typed his with one hand.

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