It's 8:45 am. I have showered, although the schedule wasn't pretty. Thanks to Jason being flexible with his get up and go time, I was able to squeeze in at least enough time to wash the night's spit up off of myself. I have makeup on my face. I will admit to being in my sweats with my hair pulled into a pony tail, though. There's just no good reason to spend time doing hair today. I have been puked on...twice (and this was, sadly, after the bath that I gave Lauren this morning). And I've been snotted on by Joshua more times than I care to count. It's a glamorous life I lead right now, isn't it?
I don't know whether I can safely say that we're on the mend here or not. Every time I think we are, we get walloped again with another leg of this nasty bug. Jason has returned to work, although I know he's still not feeling anywhere close to 100%. Joshua takes these spins into feeling OK enough to play, and then melting into a puddle of tears over nothing and needing to rest for a while. He has taken 3+ hour naps the past 3 days, which is totally out of character for him. Actually, that's just about a full night of sleep for him. We're debating calling the doctor again today just to see if there's anything that we can do to help him to feel a little better. The fever creeps back up every afternoon, his nose is like a faucet and he's coughing like he's been a smoker for 50 or so years. His appetite is non existent and he's unusually crabby. All I can say is that we've just about had it with the swine flu if that is, in fact, what we've been plagued with.
Today I have committed to getting my act together. The fog we've been living in has been very bad for getting anything accomplished, and I'm starting to feel a little buried by the things that need to get done. So I have quite a list of things to do today- which include laundry, cleaning, planning for next week (meals, grocery list, etc.) on top of the rest of what we usually have to get done. I've put it in writing here so that I'll feel guilty if I don't get it you'll all be disappointed with me or something. But I'm not convinced that it's actually going to work. We'll see. If Lauren continues to be the cooperative baby that she has turned into over the past 48 hours, I may have a prayer of getting to at least half of what I hope to.
We had a great visit yesterday from my friend Sue, who was one of my very best friends during my Penn State days. She was coming in from Erie to attend a seminar at University Park (she works for PSU now) and came the extra hour to hang out with us yesterday and have a chance to meet our little lady in person. It was great to catch up, and we're praying that we didn't expose her to the bug that has knocked the wind out of our sails.
Tomorrow is a finance day, so Lauren and I will be making the bi-monthly trek into the office to pay bills and move money around. It'll be good to get out. We're just hoping Grandma is well enough to come and spend some time with Joshua while we're gone.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday and have fantastic weekend plans on the horizon. I'm already looking forward to seeing the pictures of all of our little Trick or Treaters dressed up on Saturday evening. We've yet to come up with a plan for what to do with Lauren, and I have some preparations to do to get ready to make the grand switcheroo of Joshua's trick or treat loot with stuff that won't send him to the emergency room, but those things also grace my ever growing to-do list. I guess I'd better get cracking...
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