I sure would have a good "Not Me" Monday post if it was Monday. But since it's not, I have to tell you a funny Joshua story. To say that things have been a little chaotic around here would be a bit of an understatement. Each day gets a little better, but we still have moments where I'm not sure I'm cut out to be the mother of 2. Thankfully, those moments are usually followed by a moment of gratefulness for these 2 wonderful children who sometimes make me a little nuts, but I'd be lying if I told you that this has been easy.
Anyway, yesterday was going pretty well. Everyone was happy, relatively clean and had full bellies. (That's how I measure success right now.) I had been waiting for the UPS man to come to the house with my new pump (oh the things that are exciting right now). I had to talk to him because the first pump I had received was broken and needed to be picked up for shipment back to the company. When he came to the door, I was holding Lauren in my arms and standing on one foot to keep Watson from running outside. Pretty soon, Joshua joined me and stood there for a few minutes while the UPS man (who is incidentally named Allen, which I know because Joshua asked him) and I conducted our business. When we were done, I closed the door, brought the new box inside and then looked at Joshua, whose pants AND UNDERWEAR were definitely around his ankles. When I asked him if his pants were down the whole time we were outside, he said yes with a very goofy grin on his face. Allen must have thought I was one sandwich short of a picnic for sure. Joshua and I had a very good laugh about the whole thing. Because really, what else can you do?
In other news, Lauren and I had quite an exciting day today. I was free from my driving restriction as of yesterday, and today was pay day, so I had plans to go into the office to handle the finance work that consumes my 15th and 30th days of each month. With our nursing situation, Lauren had to come along. Needless to say, there were two very capable ladies at the office who were quite happy to hold Lauren while I worked. She's already asking to go back to the office so she can get so much attention!
After we paid our bills, we went to Lewisburg Pediatrics for her 2 week checkup. I am pleased to report that we now have a 7 pounder on our hands.... 7 lb 1/2 oz to be exact. She also managed to grow 3 inches in a matter of 2 weeks and is now 20 1/4 inches long. There must have been a mismeasurement at the hospital because unless something really weird is going on, there's no way she grew that much that quickly. Everything is looking fantastic with her, and evidently our feeding situation is working out OK. That was reassuring in a very big way. We had a few more quick stops to make after we were done at the doctor's office, and then we came home to Joshua who had spent the day playing with Grandma and loving every second of that. I'd say it was a good day all around.
We now await a delivery of dinner from one of the wonderful families at our church. I'm continually amazed by the work of God to lead us to this church and this particular church family. They have already blessed us beyond measure. When the word got out that Lauren had been born, the phone rang and they offered to arrange for some meals to be delivered by people who have volunteered to do that for new babies who are born. The greatest thing is the attention that is being paid to Joshua's allergy issues so that we're sure everything will be safe for him. I've had 3 phone calls from the wonderful lady who is cooking for us tonight to make sure that nothing she's planning could hurt him. We are so grateful for everyone's kindness. Although we're getting along pretty well two weeks down the road, it sure is nice not to have to worry about what to feed everyone tonight.
I'll work on some pictures for tomorrow. Now that Lauren is up over 7 lb, you might not recognize her. HA!
1 comment:
Let us know when you're headed back to church. We would like to tag along sometime if that would be okay!
Thanks for the Josh story. I needed that laugh today.
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