We're home...all four of us, and settling in to what life is going to be like now that Lauren is here to join the family. What an adventure the last four days have been, but what a blessing.
Lauren's birth went just as anticipated, although my second c-section experience was far different than the first. Luckily I had been warned that that would be the case, but there were MANY things I felt, experienced, etc. this time that I have no recollection of the first go around. Regardless, Lauren entered the world screaming her brains out at 7:53 on Wednesday morning, September 30th. I knew immediately when I looked at her that she was tiny...much smaller than I had expected her to be. When Dr. Miller came into the recovery room to check on me and told me that she was only 6 lb 15 oz and 17.5 inches long I told him that I would have lost that bet for sure. I had her at 7.5 lb easy, and that was a week early. She has the smallest feet I have ever seen, but goodness do I love them. I learned with Joshua how quickly these "little little" days go by, so I'm trying to savor every bit of her smallness. Already it's going by awfully fast.
Wednesday we had family visitors and a special delivery from Karen of snacks and goodies that were enjoyed by all who stopped by the hospital. I had the best nurses in the world, I swear it. They were so helpful and understanding, and honestly so much fun. They had me up and out of bed by Wednesday at supper time, which amazed even me. But I enjoyed sitting in the chair that evening visiting with Jason.
Thursday morning I was unhooked from everything and was a free woman again, so I hit the shower and felt MUCH better once I got into my own clothes. Jason brought Joshua to the hospital that morning and we had such a fun time visiting. I nearly burst into tears upon seeing him. He looked SO grown up. He was so sweet to his baby sister, gave her kisses, held her and talked to her. He was also very interested in the buttons on my bed, but who could blame him. I had a little fun playing with those myself. Joshua did great while I was in the hospital, and major credit for that goes to Jason for the way he handled everything. Special thanks to Judy and my mom as well for pulling extra time (early mornings and late nights included) to help us with Joshua and give Jason the flexibility to be at the hospital to spend time with Lauren and I too. It worked out perfectly. Late Thursday afternoon people started talking about us being able to come home on Friday if we wished. I wasn't 100% sold on the idea because I was still feeling a good bit of pain, so we didn't make anyone any promises. But by Thursday night when the shift changed, I was feeling surprisingly better and ready to think about it.
So, Friday morning, when Lauren passed her tests (weight, jaundice levels, etc.) and I passed mine, we decided to head home. We made it back just as Joshua was finishing his lunch. It was an overwhelming day to say the least. I was still pretty sore, Joshua was very active and needed to learn what I could and couldn't do, and Lauren was needing a good bit of attention as she transitioned into the busy household as well. We did the best we could, and Jason carried the lion's share of the responsibility for everything, but we managed.
Each day has gotten a little better. Today I'm feeling very little pain and have been doing more of my regular activities. Lauren is doing great, aside from a problem we seem to be having between 9 pm and 1 am when she wants to scream her head off. No amount of anything will help her to settle. She wants to constantly eat, and last night she did from about 9 until she finally went to sleep at 1 am. She's doing a lot of spitting up, which is not something I'm used to, but we're working through it the best we can. Hopefully we'll find the right combination of something that will help her (and me) to rest.
We go back to the hospital tomorrow for our post partum checkup. She'll get weighed and have her coloring looked at for any possible jaundice problems that have crept up. The way she's eating, I would seriously doubt that there's a problem. The yellowness in her face has cleared up almost completely as of today. We'll see if they have any suggestions for our little night time issue.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed a few pictures of our little angel and some details from last week. We're thrilled to be home, absolutely in love with this little girl, and working at getting settled into what life is going to be like as a family of 4. I am so thankful for Jason, for all that he's done and will continue to do and for the awesome daddy that he is. I am thankful for our families for their support, for the miles they've put on their vehicles this week to be with us, for the time they've spent cooking and baking so that I wouldn't have to, and for the way that they've already loved Lauren with their whole hearts. Our friends have been so wonderful as well, although we haven't been able to see most of you yet. Please please please come and visit with us. We're so anxious to share Lauren with you all, and to let you witness for yourselves how wonderful Joshua is doing as a big brother.
Lots more to come, I promise!

1 comment:
She's beautiful and I can't wait to meet her! I wanted to stop by on Thursday afternoon but I didn't have anyone to watch the kids...and I will NOT be bringing any daycare and elementary exposed children anywhere near new babies anytime soon.
Take care. Call if you need anything!!!
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