Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wild Wednesday Plans...

Call me insane. Perhaps a bit nutty. But we're taking a walk on the wild side here today. When Joshua finishes his gourmet breakfast of star shaped toast, milk and a banana, and Lauren fills her belly again around 9:15 or so, we're going to attempt the unthinkable. A trip in the car with all three of us. It will be really short, but I still may be out of my mind.

We won't be out of the car much if at all, but the list of things that need to be done outside of the four walls I've been confined by is growing to consume more of a planner page than I desire. We have library books that are about to be overdue if I don't return them. I have helium that needs to be picked up at my office for Joshua's birthday party on Sunday. I need to put gas in my vehicle. And I need to return the containers that our dinner was delivered in last Thursday. All are within a 6 mile radius. I think we can manage without having to stop to eat or to have Joshua use a potty somewhere.

With temperatures expected to be back in the 60's today, I also have planned some outside time for Joshua while Lauren is bundled up as a spectator. He needs the fresh air as badly as any of us. Hopefully both of my big ideas for the day will work out. end this post, we wish Darla and Jeremy well today as she is currently in the midst of an induction due to some scary pre-e conditions to meet Lauren's newest playmate and kindergarten buddy. We can't wait to hear the good news later today.

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