Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good News & Bad News

Good doesn't look like I'm going to have to wear sweatpants to Thanksgiving dinner after all. Finally, my jeans are fitting again. This may not be news worthy to some (OK, or any of you), but to me it is and therefore I'm logging it here for posterity. Honestly, if I want to give myself full credit, my pants technically fit a few weeks ago, but I have come to the conclusion that being able to sit down and breathe are two things that I will not sacrifice for the sake of saying that I fit into my pre-pregnancy pants. I just won't do it. Although the weight from my pregnancy with Lauren has disappeared, that hasn't meant that everything was in the same place it had been previously. I blame Dr. Miller for not putting things back where he found them because it clearly could have had nothing to do with my obsession with all things sweet while carrying Lauren in my tummy.

For me, I feel like I've been trying to lose weight since I was about Joshua's age, so the idea of letting pregnancy take its toll on my body with the full responsibility for undoing the damage falling on my shoulders has not been a fun concept to wrestle with over the past three years. But I've learned that it's likely something I'll be grappling with for a long time to come- not because of pregnancy (let's be very clear that I do not anticipate THAT again) but because, for whatever reason, this is the body God graced me with and I'll certainly do the best I can. The good news is that if my daughter should have similar struggles (and oh how I pray she will not), I can certainly relate to her and help her to keep her self image as strong as possible, to save her the heartache it has caused me over the years. sweatpants at the turkey table. Although I can't make any promises that Libby and I won't find our "comfies" sometime in the evening so that we can better experience playtime with the kiddos while they wreck havoc on Nana's house! Or because we ate too many filling balls and breathing in our jeans has become an issue.

The bad news is that I don't have any pictures of the kids this morning. I have spent the morning on puke duty. I believe Lauren spit up all of her night time feedings and both of her morning feedings so far today. I've come to the conclusion that she does this from time to time just to keep my milk supply in tip top shape. Top that off with Watson's contribution to the middle of the living room floor and I'd consider this a pretty darn unproductive morning. The Spot Bot is kicked into high gear to get the RED dog food puke stain off of the rug. And a load of laundry has begun to clean the supply of burp cloths again for the baby. And why have I not considered going back to work earlier than January??? Oh yeah....because I love this baby, and I love spending time with Joshua. But good grief...

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