There have been a few times that I've felt like I could be put up for "Not-The-Best Mother of the Year" status.
Take, for instance, the time that about 8 or 9 week old Joshua somehow found a way to roll from the middle of a double bed onto the floor while I turned around to put on a pair of shoes to go to church. He was fine.....stunned, but fine. I, on the other hand, was a basket case. To this day, I can't explain how that happened. He was barely rolling over, but somehow managed to roll 3 or 4 times to get off of the bed in the literal blink of an eye. This particular time, I felt better only because my mother recounted the story of the day I rolled off of my changing table and hit my head on the radiator. Apparently everyone has moments like that. That would have made a pretty good blog if only I knew what a blog was when that happened.
Consider also the morning, while getting dressed, that Joshua got so excited at the prospect of his bottle that his head started bobbing, and he head butted himself directly into my thumbnail. That one left a nasty gash by his eye that needed to be inspected at the doctor's office for a potential stitch. Thank goodness no stitches were necessary, but I was convinced that Children and Youth would be on my doorstep to remove him from my care that day.
There was also the time that I started pulling out of the Staples parking lot only to realize that I had forgotten to buckle Joshua into his car seat. He was sitting in it, but strapping the baby in is usually a preferable way to travel. I learned that in my car seat technician course.
Or the time that I managed to somehow let him lose his beloved Bear at the mall during the Christmas rush. We called and called until finally, some very nice cleaning person at the Bon Ton found him under a rack on the overnight cleaning shift. Jason was able to make a trip to retrieve our friend and bring him home where he belonged, to the waiting arms of a very happy little boy.
Well, I can now add Wednesday to that list of experiences.
I've been resembling a 75 year old for the past 40 weeks or so. I made the decision not to do any hair coloring while I was pregnant, and the gray hairs on my head were prominent and strong in numbers. My hair was also long and straggly, which is why it found itself in a pony tail for much of the past 7 weeks since Lauren's birth. On my ever growing list of things to do has been an appointment with my hairdresser to remedy both situations. But being away from her for that length of time has been a real issue. I finally bit the bullet and scheduled an appointment for Wednesday afternoon. Grandma was going to come down and stay with the kids while I went to transform back into the 31 year old that I am (and therefore should reasonably look like).
I was a bit unglued about the whole thing, just because I was worried about Lauren's eating. She's been a little hesitant to take a bottle at all, although we've been working on it little by little and usually with some coaxing and a whole lot of patience, she'll drink eventually. I fed her immediately before I walked out the door and fully expected that she'd sleep peacefully until her next feeding.
When I walked in the door at 5:30, I found out that she had been screaming for the entire time I was gone, had refused her bottle completely and hadn't slept more than a few minutes. The look in her eyes as I fed her nearly broke my heart. She was looking at me as if I had totally let her down....left her to starve....though that was no where near the case. And so, I add the day I selfishly transformed back into a brown haired girl to the list of days I've felt like a bad mom.
Something tells me that there will be more of these.
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