We got an early start this morning. to put it mildly. It was 7 am on Monday when I started this post and began uploading some pictures from the weekend. By then I had showered and gotten dressed, folded and put away two baskets of laundry, dressed Joshua and helped him eat his breakfast and had been playing Wizard of Oz with him for a good while. We happened to catch the Wizard of Oz on TV last night and it is literally all Joshua has been talking about since then. We had to turn it off during the part with the flying monkeys and the witch's castle because he got scared (frankly, that witch still gives me the creeps, so I don't blame him). But he seems a bit obsessed this morning and has been asking a hundred questions about why Dorothy had to bring the wizard the witch's broom stick, why the flying monkeys took Dorothy to the castle, why she needed to go back home, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. I figured my Dad and Aunt Libby would enjoy this newest fascination.
So, all of this was done before the little princess decided to wake. I finally woke her at 7 to eat....it was about me, not her. She had a great night--- went down at 9 peacefully, woke up from 2:30-3:10 to eat and then fell right back to sleep, and then had to be woken at 7. All nights are not like this, but on my list of things to be thankful for this year is most definitely a baby who is far easier than her big brother in the sleeping department (at least for now...I'm not so naive to think this will last forever).
It's going to be an exciting week with our trip to Lewistown on Wednesday afternoon. I can't remember when I've ever been this excited to go home, but I'm really looking forward to a couple of days with everyone and the chance to introduce Lauren to a whole bunch of family that she hasn't met yet. I just know she'll love everyone! Joshua is thrilled at the idea of going to Nana and Pap's and talks about it all the time. He mostly wants to watch The Polar Express with Pap (here we go with that again) and take a tractor ride. He's been very intrigued with the idea of Thanksgiving dinner and seems excited about that too, until we sit down at which point he won't be the least bit interested in eating, I'm sure.
As for today, it'll be a normal day (I almost wrote "quiet day" and then chuckled to myself at how UNTRUE that is) at home. There is more laundry to do and some last minute Christmas shopping orders to place. I think there should be an award for me accomplishing my entire list without having stepped inside of a store--- but to this point, all purchases have been made online and are showing up on my doorstep daily from Alan the UPS man. If only they were wrapped!
1 comment:
Tell Alan you'll kick in an extra 10 bucks for every package he delivers complete with Christmas wrap!
Love the outfit and it's even cuter with a baby wearing it!
Have an AWESOME weekend! Happy Thanksgiving.
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