Our belated birthday visit with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday. Now that everyone is healthy, we could all get together again.
Not too much to report from this camp this morning. Joshua is building things on his Handy Manny tool bench while Lauren sits happily (for the moment) in her seat looking around. It's a rarity to have two hands with which to type, so I'm savoring the moment. (Any typos you've seen in recent days stem from the fact that all of my posts have been typed one handed. The hunt-and-peck typing method gets really old really quickly!) Grandma is on her way so that I can go to my post partum check up with Dr. Miller this morning. I can't believe that it's already been 5 weeks since my surgery. The time is flying by so quickly. I believe Lauren will be accompanying me to the appointment just in case it takes longer than expected. Can't have her separated from her food supply for too long, and it would be just my luck that someone would be in labor and need his assistance when I know she's screaming her head off here at home. It'll give Joshua some one on one time with Grandma anyway, and I know he really looks forward to that.
Otherwise it'll be another day just like every other. Change the baby. Feed the baby. Get the baby to sleep. Play with Joshua. Empty a potty chair. Make some lunch. Start some laundry. Clean something. Pick up some toys. Make whatever we're having for dinner. Wash some dishes. Repeat over and over and over again. The repetition is almost maddening if it weren't for the fact that the kids thrive on routine.
For now, Lauren is calling for me and Joshua is too quiet. That always makes me nervous. Better see what he's into...
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