Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It was 5:21 this morning when I stood over Lauren's crib with a dilemma. She was asleep. I was dripping (literally, sorry if that's too much detail)...just looking for a sign that she was stirring or about to wake up. Nope. So, the quandry was whether or not to get in the shower and risk her waking at any moment, realizing that she had slept all night and that she was now officially famished, therefore causing blood curdling screams that would wake up a very peacefully sleeping Joshua...or to wake her up and hope against hope that she would eat quickly and then go back to sleep after filling her belly and allow me enough time to get a shower before peacefully sleeping Joshua became AWAKE Joshua who was ready to play.

I chose the latter. And it worked out OK. I actually managed to get out of the shower, get dressed, do my hair and still had to wake her up at 6:00 to eat or else I thought I might die. It sounds like this is all about me doesn't it? I hope not. It's just that the supply and demand part of nursing isn't exactly perfect. It seems that Lauren and my "production facility" did not have a conversation last evening to say..."I'm going to sleep all the way through the night, OK? So that feeding you're usually gearing up for between 3-4 am....yeah, shut down the machines. Take a long lunch or something. I'm not going to need that one. Just get ready for about 6 am, OK?" It'd be great if it worked that way, but it seems it does not. Hence the dripping.

But we're going to be OK. The great news is that she slept all night. Here's to hoping that this is a trend that continues from now until forever. (I know full well that that's not going to happen, but just let me savor the moment, OK?)

1 comment:

Casner's said...

Wow! It would appear that Lauren and Ridge are on the same schedule. We woke up with the realization that we also had no middle-of-the-night feedings. Our little guy slept until 5:15. Baby steps - we'll cherish each as an accomplishment!