I wish I had something exciting to report, but I'm afraid I don't. Jason and I are battling a cold/sore throat thing that seems to be no fun at all, and we're hoping that the kids can be spared. The end of the week holds more excitement than the beginning. We have a Christmas dinner to go to on Thursday night, so all four of us will venture to a restaurant for the first time. Luckily it's Ciro's where we know everyone, so it should work out OK. (If it's anything like our first trip there after Joshua was born, the owner's wife will take Lauren with her while she waits tables and speak to her in Italian). Saturday morning we're going to make a quick appearance at the Kiwanis Breakfast with Santa so that Joshua can make his requests to the Man in Red. I haven't seen any of our club members since Lauren was born, either, so it'll be nice to show my face again and let them take a quick peek at the baby. Saturday night we have a Christmas dinner to go to at church, so we're looking forward to that. We hear it's a big deal, but will have to report on that after the fact. All I know is that I need to bring macaroni and cheese and a dessert. Should be a nice evening.
Until then, it's feeding, changing, laundry, wrapping presents, etc. over and over and over again.
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