Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A few pictures...

In case you didn't know, there was a parade in our house last evening. I have no earthly clue what occasion we were marking with stepping off our very own parade. But who needs a reason. March on, boys!

One of Joshua's favorite Christmas presents was a toy trumpet (that looks decidedly similar to the real thing). Jason decided to get his real one out of hiding in the basement to play along with him. I laughed. Really hard. Especially when he taught Josh how to play the big trumpet.

During supper, Lauren sat peacefully in her chair just watching us. Well, perhaps I should clarify that a bit. She sat in her chair until she nearly wiggled herself right out of it. I had looked away for a few seconds to take a bite (I know, how dare I?) and when I looked back her little legs were all the way off the front of the seat and she looked quite concerned about where she was headed. Note to self: start using the little harness that goes with the seat.

This was the closest I have come in the past three days to capturing a picture of Joshua. Every time I try, he runs away and I get these streaky photos of a three year old in motion. But at least I got the little stinker inside the frame for THIS one.

And this was how I found Lauren when I walked in from work on Monday afternoon. Looks like she was doing pretty great, huh? I love the hand to the ear. I think she's practicing for her first cell phone, don't you?

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