Monday, January 18, 2010

Riveting Weekend

It was a riveting weekend at the Dugan household. I mean....knock your socks off, jump up and down exciting stuff. See?
Joshua was so bored that he actually fell asleep on the couch Sunday afternoon and slept for a few hours. We've come to appreciate these days, and realize that he's catching up on some lost sleep from the month prior. Now that we know we're not going to get a nap out of him until mid-February, we can plan our afternoon activities accordingly.

The most exciting part of the weekend came on Saturday afternoon. As a formal State Farm duty, I got to attend the Bucknell basketball game to "Feed the Fans" with other State Farm colleagues from around the area. I had planned to take Lauren with me, but Jason and Josh decided to tag along for some "out of the house" time due to a lack of any better ideas. We were grasping at straws when the big plan was to take Josh to get a haircut, only to find out that the barber was closed. But I think the game was a good idea. Joshua had a blast. I have to laugh every time I look at this picture. You can't really tell, but his little rump isn't even heavy enough to hold down the seat! If he wasn't paying attention, it would start to fold up on him, yet he insisted on sitting in chair like a big boy. That's right, little buddy. Don't you ever let your skinny little self slow you down.

And his favorite part was getting to give Bucky the Bison a high five. This child has absolutely no fear of mascots. Jason let him sit on the bench below him by himself, but had to reign him back in one time that he tried to inch his way out onto the court.

The rest of the weekend was filled with the usual...and if you've read this blog for more than 5 minutes, you know exactly what that entails. But I have to say that the highlight of the weekend for me was spending some time with the kids. I was really appreciating them both and had to really work hard to convince myself to do anything besides just talk to Josh and stare at Lauren.

Lauren has taken a turn into what I can only describe as the sweetest personality I've ever seen. Most of the weekend, she sat peacefully observing everything around her. She has definitely found her voice in recent weeks, but in the past couple of days has been using it quite frequently. She absolutely loves talking to her big brother. At one point on Friday evening, the two of them had what I would probably term their first real conversation. Joshua would make a silly noise and then Lauren would tell him what she thought of it. Precious doesn't even come close to describing it. She's letting out excited shrieks, adorable coos and fantastic giggles with great frequency these days. I honestly thought about bringing her to the office with me today just so I didn't have to miss her. I have no idea what I ever did to deserve her, but I sure am thankful.

Joshua finally mastered the art of kissing. After no less than 2 years of trying to get him to be able to smack his lips to give a kiss, he finally got it. By the way I reacted, you'd have thought he had learned how to do long division. I really can't imagine how I might react when he does master long division. What would be appropriate there? But now that we've mastered kissing (and had a few lessons in who it is appropriate for him to be kissing) we're setting our sights high on being able to spit out his toothpaste. This skill, my friends, has been the bain of my existence in terms of teaching Joshua life skills that he needs to have to be a fully functioning member of society. If anyone has any suggestions on teaching methods, kindly share them with me! At the rate we're going, he'll forever be using toddler toothpaste that is "safe to swallow". That'll be the source of much teasing when he has to explain it to his college roommate. (Gee would that have gone on our first night in Heister Hall? As if the whole thing wasn't comical enough.)

If you've stuck with me this long, I offer my sincere thanks. You're a good friend to care about the minute details of our lives. (Hopefully it worked that I continued to bait you in with pictures!) Perhaps something more interesting will happen soon, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

1 comment:

BrookesMommy said...

Love the new pictures, Meg!

I wish you could be with me when I read your posts about the kids- I bust out laughing at the smallest things, only because I can actually HEAR you saying them!

Get that video camera out and record Lolo's language :)

Miss you and the kiddies!