For bloggable weekend event #1, I'd like to invite you to participate in another game of "What is Joshua playing?" We haven't done this since he made the campfire out of blocks this spring, but go ahead and look at the following picture and think about what he may be imagining while the Jeopardy theme song plays in your mind...
This one may not be so obvious, so let me help you. Baby Jesus (small stuffed lion given to him by Danaca and Christine) is in the manger (the basket). The other animals are the supporting cast to the Christmas story. Three of them were supposed to be wise men, who were aptly named Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (although Joshua told me that "sometimes they're all called Myrrh, it just depends"). Exactly what it depends on, I don't know. He did point out that Lumpy the elephant was a shepherd who was holding a duck. Even Joshua thought that was a little out of the ordinary, but we decided to let our imaginations run wild.
Bloggable weekend event #2 was a doozie. LAUREN ROLLED OVER! Yay Lauren! She's been getting so close for a few days, but I laid her down on her blanket on Saturday morning and without even thinking about it, she rolled herself over from her back to her tummy. I flipped her back over onto her back and she repeated course over and over. So it looks like we've got that one checked off of the list. Up next, packing for college. At least it seems to me that's how quickly this is all going by. I find it comical that I was in such a hurry to see Joshua reach all of these important milestones, and I now find myself praying that the time will go a little slower with Lauren. But she doesn't seem to be submitting to that theory...she has a whole world to explore and she's ready to get to it. We were so proud of her- video camera documentation of her new found mobility quickly ensued. So I guess gone are the days of her staying where we put her. Oh dear...
Bloggable event #3.....Lauren meets the Bumbo.
Despite the fact that I've seen numerous babies sitting in these silly seats, it never gets any less comical to me. For some reason, it's just funny to see a little tiny person sitting upright without an adult to help them. And they always make the funniest faces while they're getting used to it. See? She looks quite puzzled.
Bloggable weekend event #4 deserves a post all its own, but I'm not at a point in my life that I can wait to write things down. Life is going by so quickly that if it doesn't get journalled right away, it'll get lost so quickly.
Yesterday afternoon, Joshua and I were walking downstairs when he started to sing. This is not at all unusual as he is singing something almost all of the time. Generally, it's not a real song. It's some made up jumble of sounds that he's putting to music, and it's not even usually in tune. But yesterday he really showed some skill.
Does anyone like Lady Antebellum? I sure hope so, or else this story isn't going to be half as funny as it ought to be. But his song was, "It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now..." I nearly died laughing and Jason just shook his head. Joshua continued to sing this song over and over and over and over all afternoon and evening, like it was stuck on play in his mind. We took this as a sign that he had seen the video on CMT one too many times.
Just to redeem myself in case I look like a horrible mother for letting this music into our house to be repeated by our kids, he also had sung all of the praise and worship songs from church yesterday morning while he ate his lunch. We sang "I Want to See Jesus Lifted High" (complete with clapping in the right spots) and "I Will Sing to Him A New Song" many times. He also requested the hymn we were singing while we walked out to drop him off at kids' church. His request was for the "one about glory in the hole". It was actually Heaven Came Down, and the lyrics he was recalling were "...and glory filled my soul" (but I guess he was close). How he remembered all of that, I have no idea.
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