Josh couldn't wait a second longer to tell Daddy "Happy Birthday" this morning upon waking up. Daddy was in his "office" at the house, and Joshua barged right in and shared his birthday sentiments with Jason without delay. Something tells me that Jason will long remember his birthday greeting on the throne for quite some time.
Joshua has created a special birthday card for Daddy and we'll give him his present tonight after supper. It's so fun to watch Joshua get excited to give things to other people. I really hope that somehow he'll remain a cheerful giver as well as a gracious receiver throughout his lifetime.
We love you Daddy! Have a very special birthday!
Hang on, because this is a disjointed topic switch...
Yesterday was Joshua's turn for doctor's appointments, so I took him to the allergist for a follow up from our initial visit with them last January immediately following Joshua's peanut attack. Everything seems fine, but the office staff had things a little backwards when they told me we should see the doctor FIRST and have Joshua's labs done SECOND this time. Turns out our time would have been a lot more efficiently used if we had the lab results to discuss with the doctor. (I tried to tell them that when we scheduled the appointment, but then felt like I was being too pushy! Darn conscience.)
So, after our appointment with Dr. Sutton, Joshua and I headed to the lab. He was such a big boy and I must have told him a hundred times how proud I was of how he acted. He remembered having his blood test from the year prior, but put on a brave face the whole time. Sure, he hated having his blood drawn, but the tears quickly stopped when he was offered a sticker and he never shed another tear about it after that. I hate hate hate that he has to go through this stuff, but I know we're blessed to only be dealing with a food allergy and not something much more serious.
We're praying for a decrease in how allergic Joshua is to peanuts. Dr. Sutton explained that there is a 10-20% chance that he might get less allergic over time although he's skeptical about that in terms of Joshua's case based on how severe his reaction was. But we know the Great Physician...and if it's meant to be that Joshua's allergy will resolve itself, He certainly can make that happen if it's His will. If not, we'll ask for grace and wisdom to deal with it the best way we can for Josh.
For now, enjoy a few pictures of my favorite kiddos. I sure am missing them today.
And here's the little lady swinging away happily last night while we were eating dinner. That doll is one of her favorite things to play with, but goodness is it full of slobber already. I think all babies are part St. Bernard at this stage, but I had kind of forgotten the specific details.
And here's our sweet boy playing so nicely by himself last evening. He had a whole city set up with his blocks, including a gas station to fill up the trucks. Have I mentioned how I love him?
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