Visit #2 to nursery school went MUCH better than visit #1. What a relief. Joshua and I had talked a lot about how it was a special day at school yesterday because they were having their Easter celebration, and the teachers had asked for parents to come and assist. There were just as many parents as there were children....which was definite overkill...but I've never met a mom or dad who wouldn't revel in the opportunity to share a school experience with their child. I had a chance to meet a few more of the parents of kids in Joshua's class, so that was great.
Their Easter celebration consisted of making a special Easter craft (a lamb basket which turned a gallon ice cream tub into a lamb by virtue of adding about 5 pounds of Elmer's glue to it and then covering it in cotton balls). You can imagine the stickiness that ensued! Then the kids sang their songs and did their pledges and worked on their Resurrection Eggs to tell the Easter story. I continue to be amazed at the comprehension level of the Easter story by way of these little eggs. Granted, they've been working on them each day for about a month, but these 3 year olds have an understanding of Palm Sunday, Judas' betrayal of Jesus (and they're quick to point out that he sold him out for 30 pieces of silver), Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemene (and yes, they say Gethsemene) and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. All of the kids pointed out, upon reaching the end of the eggs and the story they tell, that Jesus didn't do anything wrong, but he did all of that because He loves them. And if that isn't the bottom line to this whole season, I don't know what is. Amazing Love.
After the story, we prepared their snacks for them and they gobbled them up like champs. Then we went on an egg hunt to find baskets that were hidden around the school. At each basket, the kids had to answer questions about the Resurrection eggs and upon giving a correct answer, they could choose an egg to put into their bags to take home. It was really cute.
Joshua seemed pleased to have had me there with him, and it was such a blessing to be able to do so. I love watching him learn. He was raising his hand and asking questions during story time, said the Pledge of Allegiance like a champ, sang his little heart out, and got all of his questions about the Easter story right. What a big boy he is.
He's now learned so much that he needs to have Easter Break. He'll be off school until next Wednesday. I'm pretty sure the first concept I ever had about Spring Break was in college, but evidently, now you need one when you're three. The only good news is that I'm hoping since there will be a whole week+ in between my attendance at school and his return to school where we'll drop him off, there won't be any confusion about whether or not Mommy gets to stay for the day.
I've spent the rest of today wrestling with the fact that my baby is 6 months old today. Really? How can that be? Rumor has it that she's working on a post that she wants to put up tomorrow about her half birthday, so we'll see how that goes. All I know is that she's babbling and cooing up a storm, so she clearly has some things to say. I'm looking forward to letting her try some baby food for the first time tonight at supper. Happy six month birthday Baby Girl!
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