Saturday morning I slept in until 7:30. 7:30! This just shows you how far removed life as a mother has taken me. I can't imagine that I had any inkling that I would ever, in my entire lifetime, consider 7:30 sleeping in. But I do now. And it was fabulous. When Lauren first stirred, I got up, fed her and began working on my to do list that had 16 things on it. I managed to cross them all off by day's end. I must confess that both Joshua and I were still in our pajamas, but he considered it fun and I didn't care that I was dirty. A day like that every now and then isn't all bad if you ask me. Had I needed to step out of the house, people may have questioned my "style" but luckily that didn't happen.
The children were angels. Joshua's latest prescription for allergy medication has turned him into a sleeper. Either that or he is now catching up on the past three years of rotten sleep he's had because he's been waking between 8-9 for the past few days. We're so thankful for dodging the bullet that we thought was going to be the necessity of a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy that was causing what amounted to sleep apnea, but it appears that his airways were just inflamed from allergies and a touch of Zyrtec before bed has his breathing through the night and sleeping well. Amen to that. I won't even go into the panic attack I was having over the thought of sending my baby to the operating room. Really, that kind of worry shouldn't even be given space in my life, but it was uncontrollable and horrible. The relief I felt when our pediatrician said that we didn't need to see the ENT doctor and that he was optimistic that some allergy meds would do the trick was amazing. And despite having a cough and a bit of a stuffy nose, Lauren remains as sweet as ever. Both of them played nicely on Saturday while I worked methodically at my jobs. Joshua imagined he was everything from a firefighter to Mrs. Mabus and did a pretty good impression of all of his chosen characters, I might say. When he wasn't playing, he was right at my heels asking me a thousand or a million questions. But God granted me patience and appreciation for it this weekend, so we both enjoyed our day immensely. Lauren took 3 good naps in her crib allowing me two hands to do some of the messier jobs, and played nicely in her saucer the rest of the time.
Sunday was church and cooking day and then another meeting at the church. We did a rousing version of "Hallelu Hallelu Hallelu Hallelujah....Praise Ye The Lord!" to open worship yesterday. Everyone seemed to enjoy that. And I have to say, seeing a church full of 100+ doing the stand-up sit-down exercise a few times was comical to say the least. Lauren snoozed through the sermon--- that's two weeks in a row. She was well behaved at the meeting last night despite the fact that she was hungry and sleepy. But we made it without a meltdown, so that's a plus.
Everything just worked out. And I've had enough times where that was NOT the case to appreciate it when it is.
As for Joshua being "full of it"...I'm not sure I can do it justice, but suffice it to say that I started making a list. Evidently being well rested makes him even wittier than usual. We found ourselves cracking up at his little statements and the silly things he was doing.
In my opinion, the best was yesterday when we were getting ready for church. He asked if Nana and Pap were going to come after church. When I told him, "No, not today" he looked at me, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Mommy, you just have to believe. You gotta believe!" I believe he missed his calling in Field of Dreams. If you believe hard enough, evidently Nana and Pap will appear.
He told us that he refers to Emma in his class as "Honey Bun Bun". I feel sure that he doesn't or else I'm betting we would have gotten a note in his folder about it. And if he did, perhaps a good swift slap across the face from Emma would have been in order. Honey Bun Bun.
He repeatedly told us that we were "driving him nuts".
In the midst of Sunday afternoon playing, he turned around to us and said, "I wonder how Mrs. Shaffer is doing?" as if he hadn't seen her in ages. It had been since Friday afternoon at 2:15.
And finally, does anyone know what Captain Hook's first name is? That was the big stumper of a question this weekend. He was quite concerned that his name is Joshua Robert Dugan, but Captain Hook only has his last name. Why doesn't he have a first name? Didn't his Mommy and Daddy give him one? Did he lose it? What do people call him if he doesn't have a first name? No amount of explanation on my part was helping.
See what happens when he SLEEPS??????
And finally, as if I haven't rambled on and on long enough, here are a few pictures. Enjoy!
Man, I sure do love this thing!
Looking awfully serious. This little dress won't fit for too many more wears, so I had to capture it one more time in case the growth spurt takes it out of rotation before she wears it again.
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