Yesterday was a special day for our family. We all stood together, in our church, and were intentional about being thankful to the Giver of all things for our daughter. We were blessed to be surrounded by our families as well as the church family who has come to mean so much to us.

Pastor Jamie directed a lot of his message to us through Joshua. Joshua was so thrilled to be a part of it and did very well standing in the front of the church. He even interjected some of his own commentary to Pastor Jamie's words. I had no doubt that would be the case.

I would have lost a bet for sure about how Lauren would do on her walk around the church with Pastor Jamie. In fact, I'd have bet every last penny in my wallet that she would have screamed her head off when he took her in his arms. But it must have been a God thing....because she was as peaceful as she could be.

It was NOT peaceful at our house afterwards, as both families gathered together with us for some lunch and visiting time. I don't believe we've all been together since Joshua's special day in July of 2007, so it was nice to have everyone in the same place. Those are the times, however, that I realize that our house is not exactly constructed for that number of people, but we all made it work. Joshua and Brooke enjoyed some giggle time courtesy of Aunt Libby who tickled them silly. There's just nothing like the music of the laughter of those two precious kids. Give me an iPod filled with nothing but that......I think that's what Heaven is going to sound like.

Lauren was pretty pleasant all day, allowing everyone to hold her and spend time with her without a scream fest. Amen to that! She played on the floor....showed off her sitting, rolling, starting to try to crawl skills for everyone. She blew a lot of raspberries. She giggled and cooed and was extra sweet. Maybe she knew that everyone had come together to celebrate her....I've certainly been talking to her a lot about that.

After about 87 attempts (God bless you, Libby), we managed to take our annual Mother's Day photo. In none of those 87 photos are all three of us looking the right direction. But this was one of the only ones that the kids weren't batting at each other with their hands. So we'll call this one the official Mother's Day photo of 2010. Despite the fact that this gathering was really about Lauren's dedication, I have to say that it was an extra blessing to have the opportunity to have all of the mothers who mean so much to me in one place. I appreciate and admire my Mom more with every passing day, it seems. Every challenge I face as a Mom makes me realize and understand in a new way what my Mom has done for us and the depth of her love for us. And Judy has been such a gift to us as well...her influence on the kids each day and the way she loves them is such a gift. And seeing Libby as the great Mommy she is to Brooke touches my heart in a special way. So, being together was awesome. The best Mother's Day gift I could have asked for.

All I can say about this is that you should have heard the chorus of "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese" coming from the kids when Libby was taking their picture. Only to be trumped by how hard Libby laughed at them for sounding adorable. If Brooke were any cuter in this picture, I think she'd just about burst!

And finally, seven months later, we managed to get a good picture of the kids TOGETHER! I think I could look at this all day....and I just might.
You'd think that, in all that happened yesterday, that Lauren's dedication would have been my mother's day moment. That would have been logical. But it wasn't. Last night, Lauren and I were sitting face to face while she was eating some cereal and squash and applesauce before bed. I always talk to her when she's eating--- sometimes about silly things and I'll sing songs, and sometimes we just talk. She always looks at me so seriously and listens so intently. So last night I told her that I love her so very much, and she grabbed hold of my cheeks and gave me the messiest sqaush kiss you can imagine. I immediately burst into tears at the magic and gift that being a Mom really is.
And since this blog is a record for you both, Joshua and Lauren, I hope you know how my heart overflows with love for you both. For all the ways you've changed me by making me a Mommy. For all the prayers I've said on your behalf, and mine while learning how to love you best. For all the long nights and early mornings, for the morning hugs and good night snuggles on my shoulder. Every day I don't think I can love you any more. And then the sun sets and rises again and I do.....I always do. And I always will. Nothing you can ever do will change my love for you both.
Oh, I am so sad that I missed Lauren's dedication yesterday and the chance to see Libby, Brooke and the rest of your family.
But on a more positive note, I'm thinking that picture of the Joshua and Lauren is definitely meant for canvas!
Emily....that is SO what I was thinking! What's that website?
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