What a morning it was. I can officially say that we are tossed, jumped, batted, scooted, bubbled, fished and spied OUT after Joshua's first experience at the Meadowbrook Preschool Field Day this morning. I was thrilled to be a part of it.
This story is best told in pictures. So here we go...

This is Joshua's friend, Spencer, who I find completely adorable if you ask my opinion. Anyway, I believe we're kind of like a bad cold that Spencer and his Mommy can't shake in these past few weeks. We were assigned to ride in their car to the field trip last week and were also assigned to their group this morning as well. But it's been great fun to get to know them a little better, and the boys really do enjoy playing together.

Here's the wonderful, deserving-of-sainthood, Mrs. Shaffer. Joshua asked her if she would let him get his picture taken with her. And who can turn that down? We're going to miss her next year for sure.

How do you like this scooter action? The boys just loved these little scooters and were pretty good at zipping around the gym floor on them. I'm pleased to report that, although there were a few close calls, no fingers were run over during the 6.5 minutes we were at the scooter station.

Everyone's favorite--- potato sack races! This flashed me right back to Buchanan Elementary School field days where these used to be the one event I did well in. Joshua was pretty good at it as well. My other flashback came when we went to the station that had ROMPER STOMPERS! I don't have any pictures of that because I was too busy holding Joshua up while he stomped around, but all I could think about was Miss Molly and the Romper Room and my daily disappointment in waiting for her to call my name in her magic mirror.

Hula hoop jumping! The boys triend to actually use the hula hoops as they were intended. It was comical for sure. We decided they would do better if we laid them down and had them hop from hoop to hoop. I did share with Joshua that his Nana is a pretty good hula hooper, and he says he'd like to see that. So maybe we'll have to find some hoops to take to Benezette for a good old fashioned hula challenge.

Here's Joshua playing "I Spy" with Mr. Baughman, the school principal. The kids had to use binoculars to find a whole list of things hidden in a little make-shift garden inside the lobby of the school.

After all of the activities were done, we went inside and put blankets down on the lobby floor to eat a picnic lunch with all of the other kids and their parents. Then it was time for the awards ceremony. Below are all of the nursery school kids lined up and listening pretty well to Mrs. Mabus as she gave out their awards.

Here's Joshua getting his medal from Mrs. Mabus. He was so proud of it!
And so ends a very fun Preschool Field Day! Next week is the last week of school with Monday being the last real day of instruction, Wednesday being Dress Rehearsal for the Preschool Program, and Thursday evening being the big Program Night. I already can't wait to hear their songs and see their performance.
Happy Weekend to all!
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