Another weekend has come and gone. More laundry done. A little tidying of the house. A whole bunch of chasing of the children. I can hear the theme music to "Days of our Lives" playing as the soundtrack to this little blurb....."Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."
Sometimes I use the camera as my memory jogger about what we actually did all weekend long. So here you go....yet another weekend review in pictures.
I snapped a picture of Joshua with his driveway art because I was so proud of his drawing. His skills have really improved in the past several weeks. This particular masterpiece was a picture of Joshua and Grandma. He spent a good chunk of time sitting at the table on Saturday drawing pictures of characters from his books, too, and they all were recognizable. What progress from the scribbles and odd shapes we've been seeing for the past 3 years. I just love watching his face light up when he knows he did a good job on something. What a sweet boy he is!

And if that face doesn't just warm your heart, I don't know what could. Lauren is getting spunky....and seems spunkier each day! I couldn't resist snapping this when she was eating her breakfast on Saturday morning.

We spent much of the weekend playing on the floor. Lauren no longer is satisfied to be held if she's not sleeping or nursing. There's too much exploring to be done and she's attempting to set some kind of world record, I swear it. I actually caught her letting go of the couch once she had stood herself up on several occasions over the weekend. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see her take off and walk across the living room if it happened one of these days. Unbelievable.

This was the view at one point. Talk about giving Mommy a heart attack! Don't worry...and please don't alert Children and Youth on me. As soon as I snapped this picture, I ran over there and got her off of the steps. But it was her newest "mountain" to climb and she insisted on going right back over to the steps every time I pulled her off of them. It's just about time to break out the gate, but it breaks my heart to do that to poor Joshua. The steps are one of his favorite play places, and all manner of imagination happens there, so I hate to block him off from it. But it's not going to be long. Needless to say, not much else got done other than keeping both eyes on Lauren at all times this weekend!

Here's one overheated Joshua from being outside playing on Saturday afternoon. It's not sunburn---- just red cheeks and red ears from being hot.

Occasionally we'll get a sweet playing moment like this between the kids. But not very often. Let's just say it's photo worthy when it happens.

And, in other random tidbits, we were visited by a one-man-band yesterday after church. I have no idea where the idea came from, but Joshua gathered up all of his musical instruments and brought them to us yesterday afternoon requesting our help in turning him into a one man band. He giggled so hard when Jason was trying to set him up, and then marched around the house banging and clanging away. It was short lived because the weight of all those instruments had his neck very sore after a few laps of the house. But it was comical and very cute while it lasted. I do believe we caught Lauren rolling her eyes at her brother, though. See what I mean about the spunk?
In other milestone news, Lauren also learned to clap this weekend and can do "So Big!" when you ask her how big she is. It's cute.
Hope your weekend was great!
1 comment:
Love the new blog layout!
LOVE those kiddies too!
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