Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Dear Lauren,

I woke up this morning in complete disbelief that you're actually a whole year old.  I don't know where the time has gone...

This time last year, we were cuddling up together in the hospital getting to know each other.  I knew then, even as miniature as you were, that I loved you to the ends of the earth.  As soon as I laid eyes on you, I fell immediately in love with you, just as I did with your brother.  I knew in an instant that you were going to be a spirited little the intensity of your cry in the delivery room.  You were so small, but so mighty in spirit, and I have loved nothing more over the past 12 months than watching you grow into the beautiful, sweet, spunky little girl that you are.

Lauren, you joining our family has been such a blessing.  On your birthday, we became a family of 4.  You gave your Daddy and I the opportunity to know what it feels like to have a daughter, and to show us the differences between loving a little boy and loving a little girl.  You made Joshua a big brother, a role he's settling in to a little more each day.  I pray that you two will always love and support each other.  It's such a gift to have a brother or a sister to love, and I pray that you will always cherish that relationship. 

There are so many things that I love about you...from your "funny face" to the way that you love to wear hats and make us laugh.  I love that you do everything with great intensity and that you never give up on anything until you have it the way you want it.  I pray that that tenacity and perseverance will follow you through all of the difficult challenges you'll face in your lifetime.  I love the way you look at me with complete assurance that whatever it is that you need, I'll take care of it.  You have such perfect faith in me, and although I know I'll surely let you down somewhere along our path together, I love that you count on me.  There's no responsibility I've ever had, or could ever have, that I could cherish as deeply as I do being your Mommy. 

I love the way you snuggle up with me when you're falling asleep, usually with your legs wrapped around my arms as though you just can't get close enough.  I'm cherishing that, because I know that all too soon, you'll have grown too big to do that.  But for now, it's one of my favorite things.  I love to hear you laugh and to hear you say "Mama" (and now "up" since that's your newest word that we know you mean).  I love to watch you blow me kisses when I leave for the office in the morning, and hear you say "Hi!" when I come back home.  And as much as it sometimes make me crazy, I love that you love to be in my arms when I'm working around the house.  Whether it's laundry or dishes or cooking or cleaning, I love having you with me.

Lauren, you are a precious, perfect gift from God.  I am the luckiest Mommy on the planet today, because you're MY daughter.  And I count it my richest blessing that God has blessed your Daddy and I with you and your brother in our lives.  I pray every single day for the wisdom and strength to give you the absolute best.

Know how loved and cherished you are baby and every single day for the rest of your life. 

With all my love,

1 comment:

BrookesMommy said...

Happy Birthday Sweet LoLo!
Aunt Libby, Uncle Zig and Brookie love you SOOOOO much!