I love everything about them. And I love having had the opportunity to spend our surprise snow day with them yesterday.
I love how, by 11:00, Joshua had pretended to be every Disney character he could think of. And he had convinced me to be Cruella DeVille.
I love how Joshua creeps down the stairs in the morning and, with a huge grin on his face, asked "Mommy, is it a SNOW DAY today?" Somehow I get the feeling he won't always be so thrilled to spend a day with me although my heart hopes he is.
I love how Lauren has learned to say "all done" and is so greatly enjoying her ability to exert her independence with her words.
I love that she wears Joshua's underpants on her head as a hat and socks as gloves and is the happiest when doing so.
I love how Joshua sings, all the time. He reminds me of Pappy Fred in that way. He makes up songs. Sings songs from his super hero shows. Sings songs from church and school. Sings songs from commercials.
I love how he's so grown up these days, watching more Spider-Man and Incredible Hulk than anything else. But when he doesn't know you're looking, he's totally engrossed in Handy Manny like he was yesterday when I snapped this picture.
And I love that he was riding his sister's pink car while doing so.
I love that Lauren has learned to feed herself in the past couple of months. And I love the look of concentration on her face as she tries to keep her Noodle O's on the spoon instead of in her lap.
I love that, by the end of lunch, Lauren's pants contained a whole road map of her morning activities. She had blue crayon, Kix, Noodle Soup and red jello on her white pants. And she didn't mind one bit.
I love that I still get to cuddle Lauren to sleep. And I love that her purple blanket still smells of her baby-ness. And that I can still soak up every single ounce that's left of her being little before she grows even more than she already has.
Time is going by so quickly. But I love every single thing about them.
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