Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the Year Preschool Program

 Thursday night, May 19th, marked the official end of the school year for Joshua this year.  That evening, all of the preschool classes got together to perform a special program for all of their parents and grandparents at the school.  To say it was adorable was quite an understatement.

 Here he is, on stage, doing his sign language motions to Jesus Loves Me.  The impressive part was that Mrs. Deitrick also taught them how to sing it in Spanish too.  And with the theme "Around the World", it was perfect.
Joshua did all of the motions and sang his little heart out the whole time.  We were so proud of him.

At the end of their section of the program, Joshua got to stand with Mrs Deitrick and Mr. Baughman on stage to get his diploma for having completed the year in K4.  He was so proud of himself, but not half as proud as we were.

I'm sorry to report that Lauren was an absolute disaster the whole evening.  Sadly, when Joshua's name was called to come get his diploma, I was out in the hall trying to get her to stop crying.  I blame it partially on the ear infection that was brewing (confirmed the next day at the doctor's office) and partially on the hour of the program.  We really can't count on doing anything with her after 6:00 pm that requires her to sit still or stay in one place for longer than a minute or two.  So, I'm taking applications for babysitters for next year's program!

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