Sunday, May 22, 2011

Field Day Fun

I'm attempting to catch up a little bit.  And there's lots of catching up to do thanks to my little blogging hiatus.

On May 13th, Jason and I were lucky enough to accompany our little K4 man to his annual field day at school.  There's no way to really depict what this day entails, other than the fact that it is a total free for all with 100+ 3, 4 and 5 year olds running about everywhere.  The gym and the outside of the school are set up in stations that the kids rotate between in their little groups.  It is is safe to say that Joshua had a blast and it appeared that the other children did as well.  Here are some of our favorite pictures from the day.

The kids in Joshua's group challenged Mr. Baughman (the principal) to a potato sack race.  There was a lot of giggling and a lot of falling down, but I think everyone, including Mr. Baughman had a good time.

Here is Joshua with his friend Spencer.  If I was more technically adept, I would link back to a similar picture that we took of the two boys last year.  Something tells me they would appear more grown up.  And really, who needs to be reminded of that, right?  Please don't miss their painted faces, especially because the artwork was courtesy of moi.  I am limited in my face painting skills (as I am in so many other things as well that motherhood seems to highlight), and the whole time we were painting their little cheeks, the other moms and I kept wondering why there weren't a few high school girls who had been suckered into being the face painters for the morning!

After all of the running and jumping and throwing and baseball batting were complete for the morning's activities, it was time for the family picnic.  Each family laid a blanket on the floor in the lobby and one of the high school grades cooked a hotdog lunch for us.  After scouring the food line and reading labels, we determined that Joshua was OK to eat with the others, although there were peanut butter cookies in too close proximity for my liking, but after a little discussion with the servers about making sure their gloved cookie hands didn't make it into the chip bowl, I said a prayer and went with the flow.  After lunch, all of the kids got medals for their sportsmanship and effort, and I think you might notice a very proud little guy...

After lunch, we presented Mrs. Deitrick with her end of the year gift- a scrapbook with a page made by each of the kids to say thank you to her for a wonderful year.  As she was looking through the book, I thought it was totally appropriate that all of the kids gathered around her.  I swear (except that I try not to) that Mrs. Deitrick is like the pied piper with 4 year olds.  They flock to her and she has such a special way with them.  It's been a wonderful school year for Joshua, and since we've made the decision to keep him in K4 another year next year to let him catch up in age with the rest of the kids, we're thrilled that he'll get to be in her class again.

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